MCQs of Islamic Jurisprudence

What does Istidlal mean?

  1. juristic deduction
  2. Social behavior
  3. analogical deduction
  4. all of the above

Under Sunni law Mutta marriage is?

A. valid
B. void
C. invalid
D. none of above

What do Fates mean?

A. taws
B. case
C. precedent
D. none of above

What is the essential element of marriage?

A. proposal and acceptance
B. free consent
C. dower
D. all of the above 

ijma is the 2nd source of Islamic law?

A. true
B. false

If a Shia woman marries a Sunni man, she remains subject to Shia law

A. true
B. false

What is the minimum amount of dower under Hanafi law?

A. 1 dirham
B. 9 dirham
C. 5 dirham
D. 10 dirham

What is the minimum amount of dower under Maki law?

A. 1 dirham
B. 3 dirham
C. 5 dirham
D. 10 dirham

According to Hanifi law, there are how many classes of inheritance?

A. 3 classes of heirs
B. 5 classes of heirs
C. 6 classes of heirs
D. none of above

According to Shia law, there are how many classes of inheritance?

A. 2 classes of heirs 
B. 3 classes of heirs
C. 4 classes of heirs
D. none of above

A ceremony for a valid marriage is?

A. compulsory in Islam
B. not compulsory in Islam
C. both a & b
D. none of above

Persons who cannot make will be?

A. Minor
B. unsound mind
C. lunatic
D. all of the above

Death illness is the disease of?

A. Death
B. Which cause death
C. both a & b
D. none of the above

One who kills a man cannot inherit from him?

A. saying of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
B. saying of Hazrat Ali (R.A)
C. saying of Hazrat Umar (R.A)
D. none of above

Sharia is the primary source of Islamic law and is based mainly on?

A. The Holy Quran and Sunnah
B. The Holy Quran and Qiyas
C. Sunnah & Ijma
D. none of the above

Faraidh is an Arabic word for the distribution process of assets after death according to Islamic law.

A. True
B. False

The procedure of the distribution process of the estate of a deceased person is that?

A. Funeral/Burial expenses
B. Pay all debts
C. Pay bequests
D. All of the above

Ashab-ul-Furud is an obligatory sharer or primary he with fixed shares or Quranic laws?

A. True
B. False

Shafi Shank is the co-sharer in the?

A. property
B. village property
C. both a & b
D. none of above

Shafi Khalit means a participator in the special rights attached to the immovable property sold such as?

A. right of passage
B. right of passage to water
C. right of irrigation
D. all of the above


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