MCQs of International LAW (Solved)

In this article, you will learn about the most important and most repeated MCQs of International Law in a solved format. If you are a student of Law, LL.B, or legal education then, International Law is a major topic to study. The MCQs or International will provide you with complete information to understand the whole topic. So, here we have arranged the Important MCQs of International Law in solved format.

Most Important MCQs of Internationa Law

Following are the most important Questions about International Law is given:

1. Who was considered the founder of International LAW?

A. Karls Marks
B. Hugo Grotius
C. Jeremy Bentham
D. Cristopher Columbus

2. What was the nationality of Hugo Grotius?

Hugo Grotius was born in the Netherlands on 10 April 1583. The nationality of Hugo Grotius is Dutch.

3. What does it mean by Favored Nation Treatment?

“Most-Favored-Nation” (“MFN”) treatment — requires Members to accord the most favorable tariff and regulatory treatment given to the product of anyone Member at the time of import or export of “like products” to all other Members. This is a bedrock principle of the WTO.

4. Public International Law is basically concerned with which rights, duties, and interests?

A. States
B. Individuals
C. Non-State Actors
D. United Nations

5. How International LAW can be enforced?

A. It is Legally Binding
B. It is enforceable by Consent
C. It is legally enforceable
D. It is not enforceable

6. What is the Doctrine of supervening Impossibility?

In simple words, the Doctrine of Supervening Impossibility means a contract that was made at a certain time and was also implemented at that time. But over time things have changed and now that contract cannot be established due to the occurrence of some events or due to the appearance of new advanced things. So in this situation, this contract becomes void and this thing is called “Supervening Impossibility”.

7. Where is the main headquarter of European Union?

A. Munich
B. Amsterdam
C. Brussels
D. Rome

8. What is a Security Council?

The United Nations (UN) has six main organs. Five of them — the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council and the Secretariat — are based at UN Headquarters in New York.

9. How many members of the European Parliament according to the Treaty of Nice?

A. 800
B. 700
C. 732
D. 626

10. European Union Parliament’s headquarter is in which city?

A. Munich
B. Brussels
C. Strasbourg
D. Luxembourg

11. How many members are in the European Parliament?

A. 605
B. 805
C. 705
D. 500

12. Which was the last country to join the European Union?

A. Belgium
B. Norway
C. Croatia
D. Cyprus

Croatia is a member country of the EU since July 1, 2013.

13. Which country holds the maximum number of seats in the European Parliament?

A. France
B. Germany
C. Croatia
D. Cyprus

14. Who runs Europe?

A. Germany
B. President of the European Commission
C. Speaker of the European Parliament
D. France

15. Who are the six founding countries of the European Union?

The founding countries of the European Union are Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands.

16. In procedural matters, the decisions of the security council are made by an affirmative vote of any:

A. 9 members
B. 5 members
C. 15 members
D. 20 members

17. What is a lower riparian state?

A. has no right to share the water resources of an international river
B. has the exclusive right
C. has a right to share water on an equitable basis
D. must give the right to innocent passage

18. According to the UN Convention on the Law of Sea the contiguous zone may not extend beyond?

A. 12 nautical miles
B. 18 nautical miles
C. 24 nautical miles
D. 30 nautical miles

19. 1 nautical mile is equal to how many Kilometers?

A. 2 KM
B. 2.5
C. 2.8
D. 1.852 km

20. According to “the floating island theory”, what is a floating island?

A. an island within 3 nautical miles from the coast of a country
B. an island on the high seas, which is not the territory of any particular state
C. a ship bearing the national flag of a state
D. An Oil Tanker

21. The World’s Oldest anthem belongs to which EU member state?

A. Germany
B. France
C. Italy
D. Netherlands

The Netherlands created this anthem in the 16th century.

22. The term of judges of the international court of justice is?

A. 3 years
B. 5 years
C. 10 year
D. 9 years

23. Vienna Congress took place in?

A. 1945
B. 1814
C. 1919
D. 1923

24. The treaty of Versailles ended which war?

A. French War
D. Napoleonic Wars

25. European Convention for the Protection of Human rights and Fundamental Freedoms was adopted in?

A. 1948
B. 1950
C. 1952
D. 1958

26. What is De facto recognition?

A. Legal recognition
B. Circumstantial recognition
C. Recognition in principle
D. No recognition

27. What is contraband?

A. All narcotics
B. Articles banned by a government
C. All smuggled goods
D. Goods which may assist an enemy in the conduct of war

28. When a State has the right to use force?

A. to obtain the raw material
B. Armed attack
C. to ensure the protection of human rights
D. None of these

29. Rights of land-locked Countries are governed by which law?

A. Rules of Customary International Law
B. Convention on the Law of Sea
C. Mutual consent
D. None of these

30. What does territorial integrity mean?

A. State can interfere in other states’ matters
B. Non-interference in other states
C. A state’s boundaries are secure and cannot be attacked
D. None of these

31. What types of people can apply for Extradition?

A. Ordinary Criminals
B. Political & religious criminals
C. Heads of State & Government officials
D. None of these

32. When & where convention on the Law of Sea was signed?

A. 1948 in Paris
B. 1982 in Jamaica
C. 1958 in the USA
D. 1988 in Germany

33. Which nation did not join the League of Nations?

A. France
B. Russia
D. United Kingdom

34. What does a successor state inherit from the predecessor state?

A. Nothing
B. All rights and duties
C. Selected rights
D. None of these

35. How many nautical miles is the breadth of a Territorial Sea?

A. 6 nautical miles
B. 8 nautical miles
C. 12 nautical miles
D. None of these

36. Who gives approval to a New State for becoming a UNO member?

A. General Assembly
B. Security Council
C. Both General Assembly & Security Council
D. International Court of Justice

37. What Does Geographically-disadvantaged State mean?

A. State with short sea coast
B. State which suffers from a frequent sea storm
C. A state with no natural resources
D. None of these

38. Capacity of the state to act within the borders of another state is called?

A. Legislative jurisdiction
B. Executive Jurisdiction
C. Civil Jurisdiction
D. None of these

39. The conduct of a person or a group of persons shall also be considered an act of that?

A. Province
B. State
C. Citizen
D. None of these

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