MCQs of Islamic Jurisprudence

Salient features of Dar-ul-Islam are?

  1. ruled by a Muslim ruler
  2. Islamic laws are enforced
  3. freedom of religion
  4. all of the above

Dar-ul-Harb means?

  1. territory of war
  2. territory of Islam
  3. territory of safety
  4. none of the above

Salient features of Dar-ul-Harb are?

  1. ruled by the non-Muslim ruler
  2. Islamic laws are not enforceable
  3. Muslim is not free
  4. all of the above

In Dar-ul-Islam?

  1. Islamic laws are enforced
  2. Islamic laws are not enforced
  3. ruled by non-Muslim rule
  4. none of the above

In Dar-ul-Harb?

  1. ruled by a Muslim ruler
  2. ruled by a non-Muslim ruler
  3. Islamic laws are enforced
  4. none of the above

The main theory of criminal law in Islam is that a man?

  1. himself is responsible for his actions
  2. and his all relatives are responsible for his actions
  3. and his all friends are responsible for his actions
  4. none of the above

Kinds of punishment in Islam are?

  1. Hadd
  2. Tazir
  3. both A & B
  4. none of the above

Tazir is the punishment prescribed and awarded by courts other than

  1. Qisas and Diyat
  2. Arsh and Daman
  3. both A & B
  4. none of above

Hadd is that punishment the measure of which is definitely fixed?

  1. True
  2. False

A major theft and its part take of and resembles the offense of robbery, dacoity, and extortion but it is exactly the same is called?

  1. Harabah
  2. Siraqah
  3. Theft
  4. none of the above

One who converts himself to another religion giving up Islam is called an?

  1. Infidel
  2. Theft
  3. Qazf
  4. none of the above

The object of a criminal proceeding is to?

  1. help criminal
  2. punish wrongs
  3. provide relief to criminal
  4. none of the above

In Arabic language legal capacity’ is called dhimma which means the equality by which a person becomes for?

  1. what he is entitled to
  2. what he is subject to
  3. both A or B
  4. none of the above

Kinds of legal capacity are?

  1. receptive
  2. active
  3. both A & B
  4. none of the above

In the Islamic legal system, Judiciary is free?

  1. True
  2. False

The Arabic word “Qaeda” means?

  1. a definite and final decision
  2. a definite and the initial decision
  3. both A & B
  4. none of the above

A Qazi is a religious judge working under the guidance of?

  1. Shariati
  2. Imam
  3. Caliph
  4. none of the above

sources of Muslim international law are?

  1. the Holy Quran
  2. Sunnah
  3. practices of caliphs
  4. all of the above

Methods of the settlement are recognized by Islamic international law are?

  1. negotiation
  2. mediation
  3. arbitration
  4. all of the above

The international law of Islam divides the enemy property into?

  1. two categories
  2. three categories
  3. four categories
  4. none of the above

Fai literally means the shadow of a thing in the?

  1. afternoon
  2. after morning
  3. after evening
  4. none of the above

These are the Most popular MCQs of Islamic Jurisprudence. We will update this when we found more fresh and famous MCQs of Islamic Jurisprudence.


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