Table of Contents
Who defines Fiqha as “The knowledge of the law of Shariah relating to man’s act and derived from specific sources”?
- Shafi Jurists
- Maliki Jurists
- Hanafi Jurists
- none of these
How Sunni school of Laws are there?
- Two
- four
- six
- seven
When Sunni school of thought was established?
- Umayyad
- Fatimids
- Abbasids
- none of these
The first postulate of Muhammadan Jurisprudence is?
- Imam
- Ijma
- Qiyas
- none of these
Acknowledgement of Allah’s Authority is classified by the Jurists as a?
- Physical act
- Mental act
- Non-physical act
- none of these
Muhammadan law has how many objects?
- two-fold
- three-fold
- six-fold
- none of these
Generally Istihsan meanings something towards which one is inclined or prefered even if it is not approved by others?
- True
- False
A gift of reasonable amount is due from those who with the right thing?
- True
- False
The meaning of the word “Faqih” is?
- separation
- lawyer
- teacher
- philosopher
The word “Furqat” means?
- collection
- separation
- legal capacity
- none of these
According to Hanafi law, the minimum dower is?
- two Durham
- three Durham
- ten Durham
- none of the above
According to Malki law, the minimum dower is?
- two Durham
- three Durhan
- ten Durham
- none of the above
According to Shafi and Shia law, there is no fixed minimum dower
- True
- False
According to Shia law if dower is above five hundred Durham then it is undesirable?
- True
- False
The remission of dower by the wife is called?
- Kabeen nama
- Hiba-tul-Mahar
- Hiba-tul-Wasyiat
- none of the above
Woman in Islam is exempted from any financial liability?
- True
- False
Literally the term maintenance means?
- Food
- clothing and lodging
- both a & b
- none of the above
Istislah was sanctioned by Imam Malik?
- true
- false
The literal meaning of istihsan is
- good
- holding for
- beauty boiler
- all of the above
lstihsan was propounded by?
- Imam Abu Hanifa
- Imam Malik
- Imam Shafi
- Imam Hamble
MCQs continues at next page
Very good work. I found this post very useful to prepare for my next examination.
Thank you, brother. Keep visiting legalversity you will find much more here.