Table of Contents
Kinds of legislation by the Holy Quran?
- Direct legislation
- Indirect legislation
- Both a & b
- none of the above
What does Naskh mean?
- to cancel
- to transfer
- to repeal or to abrogate
- all above
Technical Naskh means?
- the lifting of a legal rule through legal evidence of a later date
- the lifting of an illegal rule through legal evidence of a later date
- the lifting a legal rule through illegal evidence of a later date
- all of the above
Kinds of Naskh are?
- two
- three
- forth
- none of the above
Naskh Kulli or total abrogation is?
- half abrogation of Naskh
- complete abrogation of Naskh
- 1/4 abrogation of Naskh
- none of the above
Sunnah is the which source?
- the secondary source of Islamic law
- second primary source of Islamic law
- a third source of Islamic law
- None of the above
The literal meaning of the word Sunnah is?
- well known path
- well-trodden path
- both a & b
- none of the above
What was transmitted from the messenger of Allah (PBUH) of his words acts and (tacit) approvals?
- True
- False
With respect to its narration, Ahadith are divided into?
- two types
- three types
- four types
- none of the above
Allah Almighty has delegated legislative powers to the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
- True
- False
Quran has permitted all good things and has commanded the avoidance of Khabaith?
- True
- False
No injury is to he caused or borne?
- True
- False
The Quran provides that the hands of each thief are to be cut
- True
- False
What kind of source is ijtihad is in Islamic law?
- Independent
- dependent
- both a & b
- none of the above
What Does ijtihad literally mean?
- striving
- expending of maximum effort in the performance of an act
- both a & b
- none of the above
ijtihad is the effort made by Mujtahid in seeking knowledge of the Ahkam (rules) of Shariah through interpretation
- True
- False
Exercise ijtihad because God makes the work easy for the(a person for which he is born in this world
- True
- False
Functions or tasks of the Mujtahid are?
- To discover the law
- To extend the law to new cases
- both a & b
- None of the above
Modes of performing ijtihad are?
- literal construction
- Qiyas
- collectively reliance on texts
- all of the above
- major sound and rational mind
- knowledge of grammar
- knowledge of Naskh
- all of the above
MCQs continues at next page
Very good work. I found this post very useful to prepare for my next examination.
Thank you, brother. Keep visiting legalversity you will find much more here.