The MCQs of Public International Law is given here in a Quiz format. The Public International Law is a subject of LL.B Part II. The basic objective behind these Important MCQs of Public International Law is to prepare the students for the different examinations like LAW GAT, LAW Entry Tests, ADPP, Civil Judge, and Additional Judge examinations.
So let’s have a look at the most important MCQs of Public International Law.
#1. International Law is body of rules which regulates relations among
#2. International law is body of
#3. International law or law of nations is the name of body of rules which regulates the conduct of
#4. Sources of international law may be classified into
#5. Sources of international law are
#6. Article 38 of the statue of international court of justice played a very important role in the
#7. Main sources of international law are
#8. Article 38 of the statue of international court of justice recognizes international customs as a source of
#9. The essentials of valued international custom are as under
#10. Public international law and private international law are two branches
#11. Principle theories regarding basis of international law are
#12. Natural law theory is also known as the theory of
#13. The origin of international law be trued back to the
#14. Internal law means those laws govern the legal relations between
#15. International law is relationship of states with
#16. Main exponents of positive school of thought are
#17. Main exponents of Historical school of thought are
#18. Main theories about relationship between international and Municipal law are
#19. Under international law pirates are treated as enemies of:
#20. General Assembly of the united nations adopted the Genocide convention in
#21. Transformation of international treaty into national legislation id furnished by extradition treaties made by
#22. Jurisdiction is a vital and indeed central feature of
#23. Superamacy of the constitutionally recognized organs of the state to making laws within its territory is called
#24. Capacity of the state to act with in the orders of another state is called
#25. The power of the courts of a particular country to try cases in which a foreign factor is present is called
#26. A state may claim Jurisdiction to try an individual for offences committed abroad which have affected or will affect nationalists of the state is called
#27. States may exercise Jurisdiction over aliens who have committed an act abroad is called
#28. Universal Jurisdiction over piracy has been accepted under
#29. State responsibilities covers many fields, it includes unlawful acts or omissions directly committed by the state are
#30. The conduct of a person or a group of persons shall also be considered as an act of the
#31. The issue of force majeure was raised by France in the Rainbow warrior or bitration in
#32. Treaty are agreements between subjects of international law creating a binding obligation in
#33. Main object of treaties is to impose binding obligation on the state who are
#34. Some alternative names used for the term treaty are
#35. Steps towards formation of treaties
#36. Kinds of treaties are
#37. Modes of termination of international treaties are
#38. General rules of interpretations is
#39. Literal meaning of term recognition is
#40. According to the Montevides convention 1933, a state must posses the essentials
#41. According to Kelson essentials of statehood are
#42. De-facto recognition, the recognized state
#43. In de-jure recognition, the recognized state
#44. Statelessness is a position of a person who does not possess the nationality of any
#45. Government is the machinery or agency through which the will of the state is
#46. Sovereignty is the supreme, original and unlimited power exercised over all person within the boundaries of the
#47. Under international law confederation has
#48. Under international law, a federal state is
#49. A state which is under the suzerainty of another state is called a
#50. Neutral state are those states who do-not support either party during
#51. Kinds of state succession are
#52. State responsibility may occur in the circumstances as under
#53. Consequences of state responsibility are as under
#54. Vicarious responsibility is the responsibility of a state for the acts of their
#55. UDHR is a declaration adopted by the united nations general assembly
#56. Human rights are typically divided into
#57. The term micro-nation which literally means
#58. United nations conference on the Human Environment having met at Stockholm from
#59. The Monroe Doctrine expressed in 1823, proclaimed that
#60. Dargo Doctrine was propounded by
#61. Pacta Sunt servanda is a Brocard a basic principle of
#62. Jus Cogens means that if a treaty is a signed between two independent states and any clause of the treaty clashes with international law the treaty would be
#63. Sovereignty in the relation between states signifies
#64. As the members of the international community all states are
#65. Sovereignty is a legal term signifying the supreme power by which any state is
#66. For the purposes international law states may be divided into
#67. Classification of state for international purposes is
#68. Dependent states undoubtedly have unlimited capacity for
#69. Indo-pak war of 1971 Pakistani bombers in a massive operation, attacked indian airports on
#70. Rules of treatment of the prisoner of war are governed by Geneva convention
#71. Who have fallen into the hands of enemy shall be called as prisoner of war
#72. War crimes are acts which strike at the very roots of international society, like
#73. Prof. Oppenheim classifies war crimes as
#74. War crimes may be committed by
#75. Important war crimes trials are
#76. Chief objective of blockade is that supplies of food stuff, medicine etc may not reach the
#77. Kinds of Blockade are
#78. Kinds of blockade are
#79. Various forms of blockade are:
#80. Contraband is the article which are helpful to enemy during
#81. Hijacking is an act against the safety of civil aviation and resembles
#82. Wider concept of Hijacking has been incorporated in the Montreal convention
#83. A boundary is usually as an imaginary line on the surface of
#84. Kinds of boundaries are:
#85. Permanent head quarters of the ICJ is
#86. According to Article 7 of the statute, the ICJ consists
#87. Quorum for full bench of the ICJ is
#88. Main objective of the establishment of ICJ is to settle
#89. Total members of the security council are:
#90. Permanent members of security council are
#91. Name of permanent members of security council are
#92. Non-permanent members of security council are
#93. Security council may expel any member state on account of violation of
#94. General assembly is one of the principle organs of United Nations and
#95. Each member state of UNO can send one delegation to attend meetings of
#96. Property of enemy captured on the high seas is termed
#97. Law relating to diplomatic relation has been codified in Vienna convention
#98. Immunities and privileges of the diplomatic agents are described in Vienna convention
#99. Form of intervention may be
#100. Elements of interventions are
#101. Piracy as an international crime can be committed on the
#102. The word "neutrality" is derived from latin word
#103. Neutral state do not support either party during
#104. Word nationality is derive from the world national which simply means
#105. Basis of nationality is the membership of an
#106. Chief mode of acquiring nationality is by
#107. Modes of acquiring nationality by birth are
#108. Modes of losing territory are
#109. Methods if settlement of international dispute are
#110. A person may commit a crime in one state and he may run away to another state is called
#111. The word extradition is derived from latin words ex and idiom which means
#112. Procedure for the surrender of fugitive criminals is described in Pakistan extradition Act
#113. Main element of Asylum are
#114. Asylum has
#115. Types of Asylum are
#116. A convention territorial Asylum was adopted at Caracas on
#117. Which Asylum is granted by a state at place outside its own territory is called
#118. Permanent court of arbitration was established by the Hague convention of
#119. Permanent court of arbitration consists of following institutions
#121. Rules regarding international traffic transportation and goods were made in Warsaw convention
#122. Chicago convention on international civil Aviation was signed by 53 states in
#123. Five freedoms of air are declared in international civil Aviation conference Chicago
#124. Serivtudes may be
#125. Convention of law of sea has provided that the high sea is open to all
#126. All states have access to high seas only for
#127. Basic source of Islamic international law are
#128. Ummah can exercise its lawful jurisdiction in the following ways
#129. Methods of settlement recognized by the Islamic law are
#130. Fai literally means the shadow of a thing in the
#131. Hostile relations are
If you want to read about the MCQs of Public Administration for CSS & PMS you can visit this link here.
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