MCQs of Islamic Jurisprudence

Abu Yousuf, Zufar, Muhammad and Hassan were chief disciples of?

  1. Imam Abu Hanifa
  2. Imam Shall
  3. Imam Hanbali
  4. Imam Maliki

Abu Hanifa was born in the year?

  1. 70 A.H.
  2. 80 A.H.
  3. 90 A.H.
  4. 95 A.H.

Imam Malik was born in?

  1. 95 A.H.
  2. 87 A.H.
  3. 85 A.H.

Imam Malik died in?

  1. 173 A.H.
  2. 175 A.H.
  3. 177 A.H.
  4. 179 A.H.

Imam Hanbal was born in?

  1. 162 A.H.
  2. 164 A.H.
  3. 166 A.H.
  4. 168 A.H.

Imam Shafi born in?

  1. 140 A.H.
  2. 150 A.H.
  3. 160 A.H.
  4. 170 A.H.

Imam Shafi died in?

  1. 200 A.H.
  2. 202 A.H.
  3. 204 A.H.
  4. 206 A.H.

Isolated tradition is called?

  1. Ahlaf
  2. Alal
  3. Agar
  4. Ahad

Al-Ghazali belonged to

  1. Hanbali school of law
  2. Shafi school of law
  3. Hanafi school of law
  4. Maliki school of law

Adab-ul-Qadi means?

  1. procedure
  2. specific discharge of an obligation
  3. tings sold by tale
  4. none of these

Fiqh-ul-Akbar is?

  1. Lawyer
  2. science of material law
  3. The greatest science of Fiqh
  4. none of these

Ilm-ul-Faru is?

  1. practical science of law
  2. science of jurisprudence
  3. inspiration
  4. none of these

Name the book in which activities and characters of the transmitters were given?

  1. Bukhari Sharif
  2. Muslim Sharif
  3. Isma-ur-Rijjal
  4. Seerat-e-Nabvi

What is the main purpose of Isma-ur-Rijjal?

  1. for the authenticity of Ahadith
  2. For authenticity of History
  3. for authenticity characters of Sahabah
  4. both a & b

Name the member of Ashaab-e-Sufah who had narrated maximum Ahadis?

  1. Hazrat Abdullah bin Hurrairah (R.A)
  2. Hazrat Abu Hurrairah (R.A)
  3. Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar (R.A)
  4. Hazrat Abdullah bin Abban (R.A)

Name the Sahabi who narrated the maximum number of Ahadis?

  1. Hazrat Abu Hurrairah (R.A)
  2. Hazrat Zaid bin Haris (R.A)
  3. Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit (R.A)
  4. Hazrat Ali bin Abu Talib (R.A)

Hazrat Abu Hurairah wrote narrations of Ahadis?

  1. 4282
  2. 5374
  3. 5478
  4. 7354

The book of narration which Abdullah bin Umar wrote is named as?

  1. Shaifah-e-Saadiqah
  2. Ahadis-e-Saadiqah
  3. Shaifah-e-Abdullah
  4. Sahih Ahadis

Who is the best interpreter of the book of Allah?

  1. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)
  2. Hazrat All (RA)
  3. Hazrat Usman (RA)
  4. Hazrat Jibraeel (AS)

What is Hadis?

  1. Actions of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)
  2. Sayings of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)
  3. Instructions of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)
  4. all of them

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