MCQs of Islamic Jurisprudence

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The word Ai-Khaliiafah means?

  1. to succeed
  2. the successor
  3. both A & B
  4. none of the above

In Islamic terminology, Al-Khilafah and Al-khalifah practically signify the same meanings as Al-imamah and Al-imam respectively?

  1. True
  2. False

Do the Sunnis consider ten conditions/qualifications necessary for the head of a state/caliph?

  1. True
  2. False

Taftazani says “An Imam is not to be. deposed from Imamate on account or?

  1. immorality
  2. tyranny
  3. both A or B
  4. none of the above

Khalifa is the supreme commander in chief of all the armed forces?

  1. True
  2. False

The Mailis-e-Shura is the body. which has the authority to remove the Khalifa?

  1. True-a
  2. False

Generally, the concept of state is an association of human beings established primarily for?

  1. defense against external aggression
  2. maintain peace
  3. law and order in a certain territory
  4. all of the above

The Islamic State is a state in which every Muslim has the right to spend his life?

  1. according to the principle and rules of Islam
  2. according to the principles and rules of Hinduism
  3. according to the principles and rules of Christain.
  4. none of the above

The basic principle upon which Islam has based its political law is that?

  1. in the affairs of a state, God and his Prophet (PBUH) are the final authorities
  2. in the affair of a state, males are final authorities
  3. in the affair of a state, females are final authorities
  4. none of the above

The Islamic concept of life is explained in?

  1. The Holy Quran
  2. Sunnah
  3. both A & B
  4. none of the above

The object of Islamic state to establish a system of Govt. according to the principles and rules laid down in?

  1. The Holy Quran
  2. Sunnah
  3. both A & B
  4. none of the above

In Islam sovereignty lies not a man but in Allah, the Creator of the universe?

  1. True
  2. False

Allah is the real Ruler of the world, His law is supreme?

  1. True
  2. False

Shura is an important institution in Islam that is bounded by dictates of Allah?

  1. True
  2. False

In the Holy Quran, the term OOL-UL-AMIR has used for all those who are part of an Islamic political system?

  1. True
  2. False

The Holy Quran says, “All disbelievers are the members of a nation”?

  1. True
  2. False

A poor woman had made an inquiry to caliph Umar (R.A) about?

  1. cloth sheets
  2. shoes and clothes
  3. clothes and ornament
  4. none of the above

Literally the word Shura is an Arabic word which means?

  1. to consult
  2. to ask for an advise
  3. both A & B
  4. none of the above

Did Islam lay down a method to administer the affairs of the government through?

  1. mutual consultations
  2. consultations with other states
  3. consultation with non-Muslim state
  4. none of the above

The Islamic concept of Shura means?

  1. a collective body of wise and learned men
  2. a collective body of unwise and learned men
  3. a collective body of wise and learned women
  4. none of the above

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