Table of Contents
Which is the second source from which the teachings of Islam are drawn?
- Ijma
- Sunnah
- ijtihad
- Qiyas
How many parts of each. Hadis are there?
- two
- three
- four
- five
What is the meaning of Sanad?
- report
- support
- narration
- authentic
What is the meaning of Matan?
- theme
- substance
- interpretation
- report
How many kinds of Sunnah are there?
- two
- four
- three
- five
Which city became the first center of Islamic traditions?
- Madina
- Hijaz
- Makkah
- Iraq
How many methods did the traditionalists apply for the authenticity of Hadis?
- three
- four
- five
- two
Mubah means?
- permissible
- abominable
- recommended
- not recommended
Obligatory means?
- permissible
- recommended
- abominable
- one of these
The Hukm Takilifi is classified into how many classes?
- one
- two
- four
- six
The types of rights are?
- one
- two
- four
- five
Mutual imprecation is called?
- Fasakh
- Lian
- Mubaera
- Zihaar
Tahkim means?
- administration
- arbitration
- medical profession
- none of these
Haqq-ul-Marur is the right?
- of money
- to flow of water
- all of the above
- none of the these
Makruhun Kirasat Tahrimin are?
- simply condemned act
- condemned acts approximating to unlawfulness
- condemned acts, approximating to the lawfulness
- all of the above
Do original private rights include?
- rights to do lawful acts and rights ex-contract
- right of ownership and family rights
- right to safety of person and reputation
- all of the above
The effect of death on the rights and obligations of the deceased is considered with reference to?
- those which related to this world
- those which related to the next world
- both a & b
- all of the above
The meaning of the word “Fard” means?
- Compensation
- Obligatory
- Qazi
- Lawyer
Kitab-al-Kharaaj is written by?
- Abu Ibrahim (R.A)
- Abu Yusuf (R.A)
- Abu Zaid (R.A)
- none of these
Fatawas Alamgiri complied in the?
- tenth century of Hijra
- fifteenth century of Hijra
- eleventh century of Hijra
- none of these