MCQs of Islamic Jurisprudence

Which is the second source from which the teachings of Islam are drawn?

  1. Ijma
  2. Sunnah
  3. ijtihad
  4. Qiyas

How many parts of each. Hadis are there?

  1. two
  2. three
  3. four
  4. five

What is the meaning of Sanad?

  1. report
  2. support
  3. narration
  4. authentic

What is the meaning of Matan?

  1. theme
  2. substance
  3. interpretation
  4. report

How many kinds of Sunnah are there?

  1. two
  2. four
  3. three
  4. five

Which city became the first center of Islamic traditions?

  1. Madina
  2. Hijaz
  3. Makkah
  4. Iraq

How many methods did the traditionalists apply for the authenticity of Hadis?

  1. three
  2. four
  3. five
  4. two

Mubah means?

  1. permissible
  2. abominable
  3. recommended
  4. not recommended

Obligatory means?

  1. permissible
  2. recommended
  3. abominable
  4. one of these

The Hukm Takilifi is classified into how many classes?

  1. one
  2. two
  3. four
  4. six

The types of rights are?

  1. one
  2. two
  3. four
  4. five

Mutual imprecation is called?

  1. Fasakh
  2. Lian
  3. Mubaera
  4. Zihaar

Tahkim means?

  1. administration
  2. arbitration
  3. medical profession
  4. none of these

Haqq-ul-Marur is the right?

  1. of money
  2. to flow of water
  3. all of the above
  4. none of the these

Makruhun Kirasat Tahrimin are?

  1. simply condemned act
  2. condemned acts approximating to unlawfulness
  3. condemned acts, approximating to the lawfulness
  4. all of the above

Do original private rights include?

  1. rights to do lawful acts and rights ex-contract
  2. right of ownership and family rights
  3. right to safety of person and reputation
  4. all of the above

The effect of death on the rights and obligations of the deceased is considered with reference to?

  1. those which related to this world
  2. those which related to the next world
  3. both a & b
  4. all of the above

The meaning of the word “Fard” means?

  1. Compensation
  2. Obligatory
  3. Qazi
  4. Lawyer

Kitab-al-Kharaaj is written by?

  1. Abu Ibrahim (R.A)
  2. Abu Yusuf (R.A)
  3. Abu Zaid (R.A)
  4. none of these

Fatawas Alamgiri complied in the?

  1. tenth century of Hijra
  2. fifteenth century of Hijra
  3. eleventh century of Hijra
  4. none of these

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