The MCQs of Muslim Personal Law is given here in a Quiz format. The Muslim Personal Law is a subject of LL.B Part II. The basic objective behind these Important MCQs of Muslim Personal Law is to prepare the students for the different examinations like LAW GAT, LAW Entry Tests, ADPP, Civil Judge, and Additional Judge examinations.
So let’s have a look at the most important MCQs of Muslim Personal Law.
#1. Sacred law (Shariah) of the Muslims has been derived from:
#2. Primary sources are:
#3. Primary sources are:
#4. Sunni school regards all the
#5. Shia school only regards the first
#6. Secondary sources are:
#7. Secondary sources are:
#8. Custom makes a
#9. Primary sources are those sources which form the
#10. The literal meaning of term "Shia" is?
#11. Who founded the Kufa school?
#12. Who founded the Madina School?
#13. Who founded the Shia School?
#14. Who founded Ithna Ashari or Imamia
#15. Formation of Islamic Juris Prudence laid low by
#16. Principle of Istihan (equality) was propounded by:
#17. Imam Abu Hanifa was born in:
#18. Imam Abu Hanifa was a manufacturer and seller of?
#19. Hedaya of Murghanini is an outstanding work of
#20. Authority of local custom & usages recognized by:
#21. Imam Abu Hanifa appointed a committee of
#22. Hanafi school of thought is predominant in central & Western Asia
#23. Imam Shafi was born in:
#24. Imam Shafi was disciple of:
#25. Imam Shafi was learnt Quran at the age of:
#26. The 'USUI' composed by
#27. Imam Shafi founded a new discipline
#28. Four roots are:
#29. According to Imam Shafi the purpose of Islamic law was
#30. Shafi school of thought is predominant in
#31. Who was founder of Malki school of thought?
#32. Who was Shiekh of Islam?
#33. Imam Malik was born in Madina in:
#34. Who is buried in Janat-ul-Baqqi?
#35. Golden chain of narration is remarkable work of:
#36. Al-Muwatta is remarkable work of:
#37. Risala and Mukhtasar is famous work of
#38. Maliki school of thought is predominant in:
#39. Who was the founder of Hanbali school of thought?
#40. Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal was born at Merv in Khorasassan in:
#41. Imam Ahmad was student of?
#42. Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal died at the age of:
#43. Imam Ahmad Bin Hambal died in Baghdad on
#44. According to Tarjamatul Imam how many men and women attended the funeral of Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal?
#45. Who introduced Wahabi reformation in Arabia?
#46. Hanbali school of thought is predominant in:
#47. The Holy Quran is:
#48. Holy Quran is a book consisting of those
#49. Term 'Quran' is derived from
#50. How many Surahs were revealed in Makkah
#51. How many surahs were revealed in Madina
#52. Total Surahs of Holy Quran are:
#53. Kinds of Legislation by Holy Quran
#54. Literally Naskh means
#55. Technical Naskh means:
#56. Examples of Naskh in Holy Quran are:
#57. Kinds of Naskh are:
#58. Naskh Kulli or total abrogation is:
#59. Limitations for application of Naskh
#60. Limitations of application of Naskh
#61. Sunnah is:
#62. The literal meaning of word Sunnah is?
#63. With respect to its narration, Ahadith is divided into
#64. Ijtehad is one of the ___________ sources of Islamic law
#65. Ijtehad literally means
#66. Functions or tasks of Mujthaid are
#67. Modes of performing Ijtehad are
#69. Modern principles of Ijtihad
#70. The word ijma derived from the Arabic word "Jamah" which has meanings
#71. Ijma derived from the 'Jamun' or 'Jamaat' which means
#72. Ijma is a consensus of majority opinion of the
#73. Types of Ijma
#74. Examples of ijma as a source of Islamic law
#75. Legislative functions of Ijma are:
#76. Ijma is natural process of
#77. Three material sources for deriving rules in Islam which are:
#78. Literal meaning of Qiyas are:
#79. Who introduced Qiyas?
#80. Limitations on the application of Qiyas are:
#81. Examples relating to Qiyas according the Holy Quran
#82. Laws derived by Qiyas are:
#83. First man to use the method of Istishan in his legal doctrine
#84. Kinds of Istishan are:
#85. Marriage or Nikkah is a civil
#86. Aspects of marriage in Islamic law are:
#87. Objects of marriage are:
#88. Marriage is only _________ under free consent
#89. Qualification of witness of marriage should be
#90. The effect of valid marriage is that the wife becomes
#91. After the valid marriage the wife becomes entitle to:
#92. At same time a Muslim husband may have as many as:
#93. Classification of marriage under the sunni school of thought is
#94. Classification of marriage under Shia school
#95. Circumstances that make a marraige void are:
#96. Modes of avoiding irregular marriage are:
#97. Literal meaning of word "Muta"
#98. Pre-Islamic institution of Muta was common in
#99. Conditions of valid Muta marriage
#100. Children born out of Muta marriage are
#101. A promise to marry also known as
#102. Kinds of impediments to marriage are:
#103. Arabic maxim "al-Walad lil-frash" means
#104. Khula means
#105. Khula is granted in two ways by
#106. Decree for dissolution of marriage on the ground Khula is
#107. Delegation of right of pronouncing divorce can be made
#108. Forms of delegation of right to pronounce divorce may be
#109. Dissolution of Muslim marriage Act 1939 came into force on
#110. Grounds for dissolution of marriage under section 2 or Muslim marriage Act 1939 are:
#111. Wife is entitled to obtain a decree for divorce if the husband has been insane for a period of
#112. Divorce means
#113. Who cannot pronounce divorce
#114. A Muslim husband has right to pronounce Talaq without
#115. The dower is the financial gain which the wife is entitled to receive from her husband by the virtue of
#116. Dower provide protection to the wife against the arbitary power of husband to pronounce
#117. Minor whether husband or wife can enter into contract of dower through
#118. Dower may be fixed before the marriage
#119. Contract of dower is known as:
#120. There can be no marriage without dower
#121. An amount settled by the parties at the time of marriage or after is called:
#122. Dower has not been settled at the time of marriage or after is called:
#123. According to Hanafi law the minimum dower is
#124. According to Malki law the minimum dower is
#125. The remission of dower by the wife is called:
#126. Wife may remit the dower any part there of in favour of the
#127. Literally the term maintenance means
#128. Generally the term maintenance signifies all those which are essentail for the support of life and includes
#129. Decree of the court of maintenance upto one thousand rupees is:
#130. Written talak has
#131. Written talak may be:
#132. Khula may be:
#133. Khula under compulsion is valid under
#134. An effective khula is:
#135. Proper dower is determined by
#136. Under Shai law proper dower should not exceed
#137. Literal meaning if istihsan is:
#138. Istihsan was propounded by
#139. Istidal means
#140. Istidal was introduced by
#141. Istidal is of
#142. Istislah was introduced by Imam
#143. Executor of the will of Muslim
#144. It is a valid ground for dissolution of marriage if husband is totally impotent
#145. If a husband suffers the following disease for two years. It is a valid ground for dissolution of marriage
#146. Which factor is considered while appointing guardian
#147. A person who has committed suicide his will is not valid under
#148. Existence of legetee at the time of death of testator is:
#149. Which one is a secondary source of Islamic law
#150. The qiyas is a
#151. It is the type of Ijma
#152. Istihsan is a
#153. Istislah is a
#154. The four school of sunni laws were propounded during the reign of
#155. Istihsan is something akin to the English doctrine of
#156. In pre-islamic era in Arab there were
#157. Dower may be in the form of
#158. Dower has now
#159. Who can make a contract of dower
#160. Specified dower may be fixed
#161. Who has a capacity to delegate talk-i-tafweez
#162. Delegation may be made to
#163. Talak-i-tafweez may be
#164. Talak-i-Tafweez is
#165. Which sections of dissolution of Muslims marriage act 1939 provide grounds
#166. Among Hanafis Talak may be
#167. Every Muslim can enter into contract of marriage if he has
#168. A marriage contracted without witness is
#169. Talak may be pronounced by a dumb person via signs
#170. Fatwas means
#171. Object of marriage is:
#172. What is the essential element of marriage
#173. How many witness are required in the contract of marriage
#174. Absence of husband is ground for dissolution of marriage if he is absent for
#175. A person may dispose of his property by will if he is
#176. A Muslim can dispose of his property by will-up-to
#177. Distribution of the estate of the deceased shall commence
#178. What is the minimum amount of dower under Hanafi law
#179. According to Hanif law of inheritance there are
#180. According to shia law of inheritance there are
#181. Distant kindred are divided into how many classes?
#182. Which one is the mode of divorce with the intervention of court
#183. I'lla shall be for
#184. I'lla is
#185. Khula given under compulsion is not valid under
#186. Talak is an arbitary power of
#187. Talak through agent is
#188. Talak-i-Sunnah is of
#189. A ceremony for a valid marriage is
#190. Polygamy is an impediment to a valid marriage in islam if it crosses
#191. Arbitration council means body consisting of the
#192. Literal meaning of Waqf is:
#193. Kinds of waqf are:
#194. Form of waqf are
#195. A mutawalli is the superintendent or manager of the waqf property
#196. Qualification of testator must be
#197. Persons who cannot make will
#198. A hiba is a transfer of tengible property without
#199. Kinds of gift are
#200. Hiba or gift cannot be made in favour of
#201. Hiba or gift cannot be made in favour of
#202. Conditions for validity of a gift are
#204. Gift can be revoked by the doner in the following way
#205. Conditions for validity of a gift are
#207. Gift can be revoked by the doner in the following way
#208. Death illness is the disease of
#209. According to Hanafi and Shafi laws the age of puberty is persumed at age of
#210. Modes of removal of guardian are
#211. A female entitled to the custody is called the
#212. A male entitled to the custody of mind is called the
#213. One who kills a man cannot inherit from him
#214. Sharia is the primary source of Islamic law and is based mainly on the
#215. Procedure of distribution process of estate of deceased person is that
#216. A person who is appointed by someone to take charge of his affairs after his death is known as the
#217. If a person becomes ill and passes away due to that illness, the illness will be known as his
#218. Main objectives of pre-emption is
#219. The right of pre-emption arises only on
#220. Kinds of pre-emption are
#222. Shafi khalit means a participator in the special rights attached to the immovable property sold as such as
#223. When the right of pre-emption is lost
If you want to read more LLB MCQs can visit this link here.
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