MCQs of Islamic Jurisprudence

Tafsir-e-Ahmadi was written by?

  1. Fakhrud-din Razi
  2. Mulla Jiwan
  3. Baidawi
  4. Ghazali
  5. none of these

Imam Sarakhsi was the author of?

  1. Al-Hawi
  2. Al- Musut
  3. Al-Muhit
  4. Al-Kafi
  5. none of these

AI-Hedayah was written by?

  1. Imam Mailk (R.A)
  2. Abu Hanifa(R.A)
  3. Ibn Rushd (R.A)
  4. Ibn Tufail
  5. none of these

Fatawas Alamgiri was written by?

  1. Aurangzeb
  2. Jahangir
  3. Akbar
  4. None of these

Al-Ahkam was written by

  1. Suyuti
  2. Ibn Najm
  3. Amdi
  4. None of these

The author of Al-Tafsir-al-Kabir was?

  1. Ibn Hammam
  2. Fakhur-ul-din Razi
  3. Muhammad Abduhu
  4. none of these

Who is the author of Ahya-ul-Aloom?

  1. Maulana Shibli
  2. Jamal-ud-Din Afghani
  3. Imam Ghazali
  4. None of these

Kitab Al-Hujjah is written by?

  1. Muhammad Ibn Al-Hasan
  2. Hasam Ibn Ziyad Al-Lulni
  3. Imam Ghazali
  4. None of these

Al-Athor is written by?

  1. Abu Yusuf
  2. Muhammad Ibn al-Hasan
  3. Imam Ghazali
  4. None of these

Kitab Al-Kharaj is written by?

  1. Abu Yusuf
  2. Imam Ghazali
  3. both a & b
  4. none of these

What is Hadana?

  1. to give advice
  2. to look after children
  3. to give charity
  4. none of these

Khiyar Al-Majlis is?

  1. better understanding
  2. option of session
  3. to repudiate agreement-a
  4. none of these

Ihtibas is?

  1. Legal rules to be based on the public good
  2. To foreclose (in mortgage)
  3. A border peace (with the enemy)-a
  4. none of these

Gharar is?

  1. Haughtiness in trade
  2. Risk in commercial contracts
  3. loss in trade
  4. none of these

Al-Ahkam was written by?

  1. Suyuti
  2. Arndi
  3. Ibn Najm
  4. all of them

Al-Tarikhul-Kabir was written by?

  1. Imam Bukhari
  2. Imam Muslim
  3. Imam Malik
  4. none of these

Punishment of Rajim is for?

  1. Theft
  2. False accusation
  3. Adultery
  4. all of them

False charge of adultery is called?

  1. Rajim
  2. Lian
  3. Qazf
  4. Not any

Who was known as Dar-ul-Hijra?

  1. Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal
  2. Imam Malik
  3. Imam Hanifa
  4. all of them

Al-Ghazali belonged to?

  1. Hanbali school of law
  2. Shall school of law
  3. Hanafi school of law
  4. all of them

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