Tenure of the national assembly is given under article?
A. 51
B. 52*
C. 53
D. none of the above
President can dissolve the parliament under article?
A. 58-2A
B. 58-2B*
D. none of the above
Deputy speaker and speaker of the national assembly are elected under article?
A. 52
B. 53*
C. 54
D. none of the above
The composition of a senate is given under the article?
A. 58
B. 59*
C. 60
D. none of the above
How many members of the senate are elected by each provincial assembly?
A. 12
B. 13
C. 14*
D. none of the above
What is the minimum age for a member of the national assembly?
A. 18 years
B. 20 years
C. 25 years*
D. none of the above
Money Bill can only originate in?
A. National Assembly*
B. Senate
C. both A & B
D. none of the above
Does the Senate have the power to fix the number of judges in?
A. High Court
B. Supreme Court*
C. both A & B
D. none the of above
Article 63 is relating?
A. Qualification of members of parliament
B. Disqualification of the member of parliament *
C. both A & B
D. none of the above
According to the national constitutional package, the number of seats of the National Assembly is?
A. 207
B. 342*
C. 380
D. none of the above
When the National Assembly is dissolved, the speaker shall?
A. Ceases his office
B. Continue in his office till the person elected as a speaker*
C. both A & B
D. none of the above
National Assembly shall be summoned and prorogated by?
A. President of Pakistan*
B. Chief Justice of Pakistan
C. Prime Minister of Pakistan
D. none of the above
The speaker shall summon the National Assembly after receipt of the requisition within?
A. 10 days
B. 14 days*
C. 15 days
D. none of the above
Term of office of the speaker is usually?
A. 3 years
B. 4 years
C. 5 years*
D. none of the above
Speaker can approve or overrule the adjournment motion in the house?
A. True*
B. False
In the absence of the chairman of the senate, the speaker is officiating President?
A. True*
B. False
Speaker has no right to vote but when there are duality votes he can use his vote?
A. True*
B. False
In the absence of the speaker, the deputy speaker will be a presiding officer under article 53(3)?
A. True*
B. False
The constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan provides legislative procedures in CHAPTER?
D. none of the above
Kinds of Bill are?
A. Public Bill
B. Private Bill
C. Money Bill
D. all of the above*
Promotion of local Government Institution is described in the article 32 not Article 33.
How many schedules Constitution of Pakistan 1973 have? 7 schedules
Federal Shariat Court was established under article? 203 C not 203.
Plz correct it.
203 c
What is the age of retirement of a judge of the High court? 62 years not 63.
Sir please correct it.
Very good work Sir.
Good work sir