General Law is a subject in Civil Judge competitive examination 2023. Here you will find the Civil Judge exam past paper 2023 on the subject of General Law of Lahore High Court. This General Law is the 4th paper in the Civil Judge Cum Judicial Magistrate’s competitive examination 2023 held by Lahore High Court, Lahore. Find below the Civil Judge General Law Past Paper 2023.
Civil Judge General Law 2023
Note: Attempt any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q1. Article 95 of Qanun-e-Shahadat Order 1984 extends presumption to the powers-of attorney. What requirements must be met to render the execution, authenticity, and admissibility of powers-of-attorney lawful for the purposes of supporting the presumption.
Q2. Explain with illustrations the expressions “evidence” “proved’ ‘disproved’, ‘not proved’ and ‘judicial notice” in terms of Qanun-e-Shahadat Order 1984. [04 Marks for each expression]
Q3. Explain constituents of ‘admission’ and ‘confession’ and highlight distinction between them in the context of provisions of Qanun-e-Shahadat Order 1984.
Q4. Explain the procedure provided for requiring production of documents or certified copies in books of account from the Banks. What steps need to be taken when documents required are not traced- Part-D of Chapter 5 of Volume-1 of High Court Rules & Orders.
Q5. Explain procedure provided for service of processes to defendant residing at a place
beyond Pakistan, in the context of Part-F, Chapter-7 of Volume-IV of High Court Rules and Orders.
Q6. Our Constitution provides for the proclamation of financial emergency in terms of Article 235 of the Constitution of Pakistan. Highlight circumstances which justify financial emergency. And discuss the measures prescribed therein and effect thereof in the context of constitutional principle of provincial autonomy.
Q7. Describe procedure / mechanism for amending the constitution in terms of Article 239 of the Constitution of Pakistan.
Q8. A conflict between two constitutional principles of parliamentary sovereignty and rule of law
, if not resolved, would result in constitutional crisis. Critically analyze statement in the context of principles embodied in Article 4 of the Constitution of Pakistan.
Q9. Whether failure to hold general elections within the timelines prescribed in the constitution tantamount to abrogation, subversion, and suspension of the constitution of Pakistan, if so, discuss this statement in the context of scope of Article 6 of the Constitution of Pakistan and indicate that which authority is empowered under the constitution to provide for punishment for such unconstitutional act, if it is so.
Q10. Is it lawful for a Civil Judge to act as District Court for the purposes of appeal(s) preferred against the decree / order passed in any original suit by any Civil Judge. Discuss in the context of provisions of Punjab Civil Courts Ordinance 1962.
See the Civil Judge General Law Past Paper 2023

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