Civil Law Paper-I is subject in Civil Judge competitive examination 2023. Here you will find the Civil Judge exam past paper 2023 on the subject of Civil Law Paper-I of Lahore High Court. This Civil Law paper-I is the 1st paper in the Civil Judge Cum Judicial Magistrate’s competitive examination 2023 held by Lahore High Court, Lahore. Find below the Civil Judge Civil Law Paper-I Past Paper 2023.
Civil Judge Civil Law paper-I 2023
Note: Attempt any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q1. What does an ‘express’ and ‘implied’ authority of an agent means. Explain factors circumstances where authority of the agent is said to be implied. Discuss circumstances envisaged by section 215 of the Contract Act, where principal may repudiate the transaction undertaken by the agent, dealing on his own account in the business of the agency.
Q2. Define expressions ‘Bailment’, ‘Bailor’ and ‘Bailee’. Illustrate respective obligations of ‘Bailor’ and ‘Bailee’ as discussed in the Contract Act.
Q3. Agreements without consideration are void. What exceptions are provided in section 25 of the Contract Act 1872, discuss will illustrations.
Q4. Explain the expressions ‘Offer’, ‘Acceptance’, ‘Invitation to treat’ and ‘Revocation of Proposal(s) and Acceptance(s)’. Whether the bid(s) invited from potential bidders through advertisement constitutes an offer or simply an invitation to make an offer. Elucidate with illustrations.
Q5. Agreeing to the condition in Nikah Nama that in case of divorce the husband would compensate the wife in monetary terms. Is such condition a clog on the right of divorce or mere agreement to compensate by way of alimony. Discuss this proposition in the context of Family Courts Act 1964.
Q6. A perfunctory / cursory effort on the part of Family Court to facilitate reconciliation between the couples in fact encourages acrimony, affects welfare of the minor, and otherwise burdens courts with ancillary claims and counter claims. Discuss the significance and efficacy of ‘pre-trial reconciliation’ in terms of section 10 of the Family Courts Act 1964.
Q7. One wrong or unreasonable decision regarding grant of custody of the minor would cause irreversible damage to the community. Discuss requisite qualifications and disqualifications, in the context where other and father have competing claims for guardianship, for adjudging cases for grant of custody, enunciated under the provisions of Guardian & Wards Act 1890.
Q8. Describe kinds of dower and explain with illustrations that which kind of dower would become when payable. And what is the limitation for the recovery of each kind of dower.
Q9. What constitutes Acknowledgment in writing in terms of section 19 of the Limitation Act and explain the effect of an undated acknowledgement in writing. Whether acknowledgement in writing has the effect of reviving the limitation, once expired.
Q10. Who other than the owner of the premises, is entitled to invoke the jurisdiction of the Rent Tribunal for the purposes of seeking the eviction of the tenant or payment of rental payable. Analyze the statement in the context of definition of the ‘landlord’ in section 2(d) of the Punjab Rented Premises Act 2009.
See the Civil Judge Civil Law Paper-I of 2023.

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