Civil Law Paper-II is subject in Civil Judge competitive examination 2024. Here you will find the Civil Judge exam past paper 2024 on the subject of Civil Law Paper-II of Lahore High Court. This Civil Law paper-II is the 2nd paper in the Civil Judge Cum Judicial Magistrate’s competitive examination 2024 held by Lahore High Court, Lahore. Find below the Civil Judge Civil Law Paper-II Past Paper 2024.
Civil Judge Civil Law paper-II 2024
Note: Attempt any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q1. Explain the situation / circumstances when a foreign judgement is considered inconclusive.
Q2. What material particulars shall a plaint contain. And what additional particulars are required to be stated in plaint in suit(s) pertaining to the recovery of money; and suit claiming possessions of immoveable property; and suit for a partition.
Q3. Explain separately the scope, oat, and distinctive features of review jurisdiction, revisional Jurisdiction and Jurisdiction with respect to second appeals in the context of provisions of Code of Civil Procedure 1908.
Q4. Explain essential steps / procedures required to be taken by the Court before ordering attachment of properly before the judgment. And what directions need to be passed to avoid hardships for strangers, who a, not party to the suit. Give illustrations.
Q5. How an action for rectification of contract differs from action seeking recission of the contract In terms of provisions of Specific Relief Act 1877. Explain peculiar circumstances which entitle a party or the parties to the contract to seek rectification of the contract and circumstances requiring recission of the contract. Cite illustrations to explain peculiarity of each action.
Q6. What rights-cum-remedies are available to the purchaser from the vendor, with imperfect title under the provisions of Specific Relief Act 1877. Is such decree procured per se enforceable in law.
Q7. Explain with illustrations. Under what circumstances you will advise a person to bring an action for cancellation of instrument under section 39 of the Specific Relief Act 1877, (‘Act’), and not a suit claiming declaration under section 42 of the Act. Explain with illustrations.
Q8. Explicitly, the purpose of Court Fees Act 1870 is to generate revenue for the State, but enforcement thereof resultantly curtails or limits the exercise of right to sue. Discuss the relevance and efficacy of the Statute, considering aforesaid statement and suggest changes, if any conceived.
Q9. Which kinds of lands are not amenable to assessment of the land revenue. Cite instances appearing in the Punjab Land Revenue Act 1967.
Q10. Elucidate the instances mentioned in Punjab Land Revenue rules 1968, where a Village Headman shall be dismissed and the instances where same may be dismissed.
View the Civil Judge Civil Law Paper-II 2024

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