Criminal Law is a subject in Civil Judge competitive examination 2023. Here you will find the Civil Judge exam past paper 2023 on the subject of Criminal Law of Lahore High Court. This Criminal Law is the 3rd paper in the Civil Judge Cum Judicial Magistrate’s competitive examination 2023 held by Lahore High Court, Lahore. Find below the Civil Judge Criminal Law Past Paper 2023.
Civil Judge Criminal Law 2023
Note: Attempt any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q1. Describe any four of the following: –
i. Classes of Criminal Courts and Magistrates.
ii. Sentences which Magistrates may pass.
iii. Different modes by the criminal courts, for attendance of an accused.
iv. Circumstances, under which Proclamation for appearance of an accused may be issued and procedure.
v. Arrest of an accused by private person and procedure on such arrest.
vi. Period during which an accused must be produced before the competent court and consequences for failure.
Q2. Write short note on any four of the following: –
i. Circumstances, under which a search warrant may be issued.
ii. Joinder of charges.
iii. Consequences, if an accused dies during the trial.
iv. Procedure to record confession of an accused.
v. Stage of examination of an accused, under section 342 Cr.P.C.
vi. Recording evidence in absence of accused.
Q3.Answer any four of the following: –
i. What are the different kinds of “Jurh-Ghayr-Gaifah”.
ii. Who would be “Wali”, in case of hurt.
iii. What are the necessary ingredients for offence of theft.
iv. Consequences, if a criminal act is done by a child, under seven years of age.
v. Define “Ikrah-e-tam” and “Rcrah-e-naqis”.
vi. What will be “Arsh” of organs in pair
Q4. 4.Diffrentiate any four of the following: –
i. Cognizable offense and cognizable case.
ii. Statement under section 161 and 162 Cr.P.C.
iii. Physical Remand and Judicial Remand.
iv. Complaint case and State case .
v. Bailable offense and non-bailable offense.
vi. Wrongful gain and wrongful loss.
Q5.Explain any four of the following: –
i. Procedure for determination of age, of an accused who claims himself to be juvenile.
ii. Trial of juvenile accused with adult person.
iii. Criminal Justice Co-ordination Committee.
iv. Penalty for misconduct by a police officer.
v. Diet of accused person.
vi. Death of an accused in police custody.
View Civil Judge Criminal Law past paper 2024

So, this is complete paper of Criminal Law for Civil Judge.
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