A Brief Introduction of Constitution of Pakistan 1973

This is a brief introduction of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973. The Constitution of Pakistan 1973 is the 3rd constitution in the constitutional history of Pakistan. Before 1973 constitution there was 1962 and 1956 constitutions that was abrogated by the then governments. The 1973 Constitution was made effective from 14 August 1973 in whole country at once. The Constitution is intended to guide Pakistan’s law, its political culture, and system.

It identifies the state (its physical existence and its borders), people and their fundamental rights, state’s constitutional law and orders, and also the constitutional structure and establishment of the institutions and the country’s armed forces.

The first three chapters establish the rules, mandate, and separate powers of the three branches of the government: a bicameral legislature; an executive branch governed by the Prime Minister as chief executive; and an apex federal judiciary headed by Supreme Court.

In the Constitution of 1973 the president of Pakistan is the ceremonial head of the state. The constitution provides a parliamentary form of government.

As of now there has been 25 amendments made in the 1973 constitution of Pakistan. Here we have arranged a brief introduction of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973. In this brief introduction you can analyse which articles talks about which things:

Brief Introduction of Constitution of Pakistan 1973

1. The Republic and its territories

2. Islam to be State religion

2A. The Objectives Resolution to form part of substantive provisions

3. Elimination of exploitation

4. Right of individuals to be dealt with in accordance with law, etc.

5. Loyalty to State and obedience to Constitution and law

6. High treason

7. Definition of the State

8. Laws inconsistent with or in derogation of fundamental rights to be void

9. Security of person

10. Safeguards as to arrest and detention

10A. Right to fair trial

11. Slavery, forced labour, etc., prohibited

12. Protection against retrospective punishment

13. Protection against double punishment and self incrimination

14. Inviolability of dignity of man, etc.

15. Freedom of movement, etc.

16. Freedom of assembly

17. Freedom of association

18. Freedom of trade, business or profession

19. Freedom of speech, etc

20. Freedom to profess religion and to manage religious institutions

21. Safeguard against taxation for purposes of any particular religion

22. Safeguards as to educational institutions in respect of religion, etc

23. Provision as to property

24. Protection of property rights

25. Equality of citizens

26. Non-discrimination in respect of access to public places

27. Safeguard against discrimination in services

28. Preservation of language, script and culture

29. Principles of Policy

30. Responsibility with respect to Principles of Policy

31. Islamic way of life

32. Promotion of local Government institutions

33. Parochial and other similar prejudices to be discouraged

34. Full participation of women in national life

35. Protection of family, etc.

36. Protection of minorities

37. Promotion of social justice and eradication of social evils

38. Promotion of social and economic well-being of the people

39. Participation of people in Armed Forces

40. Strengthening bonds with Muslim world and promoting international peace

41. The President

42. Oath of President

43. Conditions of President’s office

44. Term of office of President

45. President’s power to grant pardon, etc.

46. President to be kept informed

4 7. Removal or impeachment of President

48. President to act on advice, etc

49. Chairman or Speaker to act as, or perform functions of, President

50. Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)

51. National Assembly

52. Duration of National Assembly

53. Speaker and Deputy Speaker of National Assembly

54. Summoning and prorogation of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)

55. Voting in Assembly and quorum

56. Address by President

57. Right to speak in Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)

58. Dissolution of the National Assembly

59. The Senate

60. Chairman and Deputy Chairman

61. Other provisions relating to Senate

62. Qualifications for membership of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)

63. Disqualifications for membership of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)

63A. Disqualification on grounds of defection, etc.

64. Vacation of seats

65. Oath of members

66. Privileges of members, etc.

67. Rules of Procedure, etc.

68. Restriction on discussion in Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)

69. Courts not to inquire into proceedings of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)

70. Introduction and passing of Bills

71. [Deleted]

72. Procedure at joint sittings

73. Procedure with respect to Money Bill

74. Federal Government’s consent required for financial measures

75. President’s assent to Bills

76. Bill not to lapse on prorogation, etc.

77. Tax to be levied by law only

78. Federal Consolidated Fund and Public Account

79. Custody, etc., of Federal Consolidated Fund and Public Account

80. Annual Budget Statement

81. Expenditure charged upon Federal Consolidated Fund

82. Procedure relating to Annual Budget Statement

83. Authentication of schedule of authorised expenditure

84. Supplementary and excess grants

85. Votes on account

86. Power to authorise expenditure when Assembly stands dissolved

87. Secretariats of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)

88. Finance Committees

89. Power of President to promulgate Ordinances

90. The Federal Government

91. The Cabinet

92. Federal Ministers and Ministers of State

93. Advisers

94. Prime Minister continuing in office
95. Vote of no-confidence against Prime Minister
96. [Deleted]

97. Extent of executive authority of Federation

98. Conferring of functions on subordinate authorities

99. Conduct of business of Federal Government

100. Attorney-General for Pakistan

101. Appointment of Governor

102. Oath of office

103. Conditions of Governor’s office

104. Speaker Provincial Assembly to act as, or perform functions of Governor in his absence

105. Governor to act on advice, etc

106. Constitution of Provincial Assemblies

107. Duration of Provincial Assembly

108. Speaker and Deputy Speaker

109. Summoning and prorogation of Provincial Assembly

110. Right of Governor to address Provincial Assembly

111. Right to speak in Provincial Assembly

112. Dissolution of Provincial Assembly

113. Qualifications and disqualifications for membership of Provincial Assembly

114. Restriction on discussion in Provincial Assembly

115. Provincial Government’s consent required for financial measures

116. Governor’s assent to Bills

117. Bill not to lapse on prorogation, etc

118. Provincial Consolidated Fund and Public Account

119. Custody, etc., of Provincial Consolidated Fund and Public Account

120. Annual Budget Statement

121. Expenditure charged upon Provincial Consolidated Fund

122. Procedure relating to Annual Budget Statement

123. Authentication of schedule of authorized expenditure

124. Supplementary and excess grant

125. Votes on account

126. Power to authorize expenditure when Assembly stands dissolved

127. Provisions relating to National Assembly, etc., to apply to Provincial Assembly, etc.

128. Power of Governor to promulgate Ordinances

129. The Provincial Government

130. The Cabinet

131. Governor to be kept informed

132. Provincial Minister

133. Chief Minister continuing in office

134. [Deleted]

135. [Deleted]

136. Vote of no-confidence against Chief Minister

137. Extent of executive authority of Province

138. Conferring of functions on subordinate authorities

139. Conduct of business of Provincial Government

140. Advocate-General for a Province

140A. Local Government

141. Extent of Federal and Provincial laws

142. Subject-matter of Federal and Provincial laws

143. Inconsistency between Federal and Provincial law

144. Power of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) to legislature for [one] or more Provinces by consent

145. Power of President to direct Governor to discharge certain functions as his Agent

146. Power of Federation to confer powers, etc., on Provinces, in certain cases

147. Power of the Provinces to entrust functions to the Federation

148. Obligation of Provinces and Federation

149. Directions to Provinces in certain cases

150. Full faith and credit for public acts, etc

151. Inter-Provincial trade

152. Acquisition of land for Federal purposes

153. Council of Common Interests

154. Functions and rules of procedure

155. Complaints as to interference with water supplies

156. National Economic Council

157. Electricity

158. Priority of requirements of natural gas

159. Broadcasting and telecasting

160. National Finance Commission

161. Natural gas and hydro-electric power

162. Prior sanction of President to Bills affecting taxation in which Provinces are interested

163. Provincial taxes in respect of professions, etc

164. Grants out of Consolidated Fund

165. Exemption of certain public property from taxation

165A. Power of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) to impose tax on the income of certain corporations, etc

166. Borrowing by Federal Government

167. Borrowing by Provincial Government

168. Auditor-General of Pakistan

169. Functions and powers of Auditor-General

170. Power of Auditor-General to give directions as to accounts

171. Reports of Auditor-General

172. Owner less property

173. Power to acquire property and to make contracts, etc

174. Suits and proceedings

175. Establishment and Jurisdiction of Courts

175A. Appointment of Judges to the Supreme Court, High Courts and the Federal Shariat Court

176. Constitution of Supreme Court

177. Appointment of Supreme Court Judges

178. Oath of Office

179. Retiring Age

180. Acting Chief Justice

181. Acting Judges

182. Appointment of ad-hoc Judges

183. Seat of the Supreme Court

184. Original Jurisdiction of Supreme Court

185. Appellate Jurisdiction of Supreme Court

186. Advisory Jurisdiction

186A. Power of Supreme Court to Transfer Cases

187. Issue and Execution of Processes of Supreme Court

188. Review of Judgments or Orders by the Supreme Court

189. Decisions of Supreme Court birding on other Courts

190. Action in aid of Supreme Court

191. Rules of Procedure

192. Constitution of High Court

193. Appointment of High Court Judges

194. Oath of Office

195. Retiring Age

196. Acting Chief Justice

197. Additional Judges

198. Seat of the High Court

199. Jurisdiction of High Court

200. Transfer of High Court Judges

201. Decision of High Court binding on Subordinate Courts Rules of Procedure

202. High Court to superintend Subordinate Courts

203. Provisions of Chapter to override other Provisions of Constitution

203B. Definitions

203C. The Federal Shariat Court

203CC. [Deleted]

203DD Revision and other Jurisdiction of the Court

203E. Powers and Procedure of the Court

203F. Appeal to Supreme Court

203G. Bar of Jurisdiction

203GG. Decision of Court binding on High Court and Courts subordinate to It

203H. Pending proceedings to continue, etc

203I. [Deleted]

203J. Power to make Rules

204. Contempt of Court

205. Remuneration, etc., of Judges

206. Resignation

207. Judge not to hold Office of Profit, etc

208. Officers and Servants of Courts

209. Supreme Judicial Council

210. Power of Council to enforce attendance of persons, etc

211. Bar of Jurisdiction

212. Administrative Courts and Tribunals

212A&B. [Deleted]

213. Chief Election Commissioner

214.Commissioner’s oath of office

215. Term of office of Commissioner

216. Commissioner not to hold office of profit

217. Acting Commissioner

218. Election Commission

219. Duties of Commission

220. Executive authorities to assist Commission, etc

221. Officers and servants

222. Electoral laws

223. Bar against double membership

224. Time of election and by-election

225. Election dispute

226. Election by secret ballot

227. Provisions relating to the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah

228. Composition, etc. of Islamic Council

229. Reference by Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament), etc. to Islamic Council

230. Functions of Islamic Council

231. Rules of procedure

232. Proclamation of emergency on account of war, internal disturbance, etc

233. Power to suspend Fundamental Rights, etc., during emergency period

234. Power to issue Proclamation in case of failure of constitutional machinery in a Province

235. Proclamation in case of financial emergency

236. Revocation of Proclamation, etc

237. Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) may make laws of indemnity, etc

238. Amendment of Constitution

239. Constitution, Amendment Bill

240. Appointments to service of Pakistan and conditions of service

241. Existing rules, etc., to continue

242. Public Service Commission

243. Command of Armed Forces

244. Oath of Armed Forces

245. Functions of Armed Forces

246. Tribal Areas

247. Administration of Tribal Areas

248. Protection to President, Governor, Minister, etc

249. Legal proceedings

250. Salaries, allowances, etc., of the President, etc

251. National language

252. Special provisions in relation to major ports and aerodromes

253. Maximum limits as to property, etc

254. Failure to comply with requirement as to time does not render an act invalid

255. Oath of office

256. Private armies forbidden

257. Provision relating to the State of Jammu and Kashmir

258. Government of territories outside Provinces

259. Awards

260. Definitions

261. Person acting in office not to be regarded as successor to previous occupant or office, etc

262. Gregorian calendar to be used

263. Gender and number

264. Effect of repeal of laws

265. Title of Constitution and commencement

266. Repeal

267. Power of President to remove difficulties

267A. Power to remove difficulties

267B. Removal of doubt

268. Continuance in force, and adaptation of certain laws

269. Validation of laws, acts, etc

270. Temporary validation of certain laws, etc

270A. Affirmation of President’s Orders, etc

270AA. Declaration and continuance of laws etc

270AAA. Validation and affirmation of laws etc

270B. Elections to be deemed to be held under Constitution

270BB. General Elections 2008

270C. Oath of office of Judges, etc

271. First National Assembly

272. First constitution of Senate

273. First Provincial Assembly

274. Vesting of property, assets, rights, liabilities and obligations

275. Continuance in office of persons in service of Pakistan, etc

276. Oath of first President

277. Transitional, financial provisions

278. Accounts not audited before commencing day

279. Continuance of taxes

280. Continuance of Proclamation of Emergency

  • First schedule
  • Second schedule
  • Third schedule
  • Fourth schedule
  • Fifth schedule
  • Sixth schedule
  • Seventh schedule


So, this is a brief introduction of the constitution of Pakistan 1973 and its all articles.


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