Civil Judge Past Paper 2022: General Law

Here you will find the Civil Judge past paper 2022 on the subject of General Law of Lahore High Court. This Civil Law paper is the 4th paper in the Civil Judge Cum Judicial Magistrate’s competitive examination 2022 held by Lahore High Court, Lahore. Find below the past paper of Civil Judge General Law for the year 2022.

Note: Attempt FIVE questions selecting two questions from Part-I and One each from Part II, III, and IV.


Q1. Write short notes on the following:

  1. communications during marriage
  2. professional communications
  3. confidential communications with legal advisors
  4. official communications

Q2. Discuss the object of Articles 144, 145, 146, 148 of the Qanoon-e-Shahadat, 1984.

Q3. “The court of law should not leave themselves to the mercy of the parties, the witnesses, or the counsel but are required to actively participate in the proceedings to determine the truth and the powers under Article 161 of Qanoon-e-Shahadat, 1984 does not only empower the courts to adopt such a course of action but in fact oblige them to do the same”. Do you agree?


Q4. Explain the procedure to name the constitution. Also, explain the important of basic feature doctrine in amending the constitution.

Q5. Discuss, the privileges and immunities of Parliament and its members.

Q6. Can a civil proceeding against a person for contempt of court? what is the instruction to deal with a case of ignorant contemnor?

Q7. How the court on the receipt of a plaint should examine it?


Q8. Define the following:

  1. Government
  2. High Court
  3. Land
  4. Small Cause

Q9. Discuss the judicial hierarchy of civil courts at the original and appellate level as set up by the Civil Courts Ordinance 1962. What are the specific powers of different courts under the Ordinance ibid?

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