MCQs of Specific Relief Act 1877 Solved

Limitation under section 9 of the Specific Relief Act 1877, is

A. 12 years
B. 6 months
C. 18 years
D. None of the above

Section 8 can not be invoked against the

A. Government
B. any person
C. any court
D. none of above

Section 9 can be invoked against even the

A. government
B. any court
C. any person
D. none of above

When the defendant has got possession of the thing or goods of the plaintiff, the plaintiff can sue either for

A. wrongful detention
B. for conversion
C. both a & b
D. none of above

Specific torts in respect of possession of goods, such as

A. trespass
B. detention of goods or detinue
C. conversion
D. all of the above

Possession means the

A. actual physical possession
B. control on the other hand
C. both a & b
D. none of above

An equitable remedy is

A. discretionary
B. not discretionary
C. both a & b
D. none of above

Origin of the trust classify into three spoons are

A. in Anglo-American law
B. in English law
C. in roman law
D. all of the above

Trust Act came into force on

A. 1st of March 1882
B. 15t of April 1882
C. 15t of June 1882
D. none of above

The general rule provided in section 5 that no trust in relation to movable property is

A. invalid
B. valid
C. void
D. none of above

Every trust of which the purpose is unlawful is

A. void
B. valid
C. invalid
D. none of above

A trust is created when the author of two trusts gives for the creation of a trust.

A. indication
B. discretion
C. both a & b
D. none of above

The subject matter of the trust must be to the beneficiary.

A. property transferable
B. property not transferable
C. both a & b
D. none of above

Lord Longdale M-R, has laid down things which are necessary for the creation of the trust

A. certainty of words
B. certainty of subject-matter
C. certainty of object
D. all of the above

The purpose for which the trust is to be created must be

A. unlawful
B. lawful
C. both a & b
D. none of above

Classification of trust with regard to beneficiaries are

A. public
B. charitable
C. private
D. all of the above

Classification of trust with regard to made of creation are

A. express
B. implied
C. constructive
D. all of the above

Classification of trust with regard to the creator as its trustee is

A. for value
B. voluntary
C. both a & b
D. none of above

Classification of trust with regard to its execution is

A. executed
B. executory
C. both a & b
D. none of above

Section 23 to 30 of the Trust Act, 1882 deals in the

A. duties of the trustee
B. liabilities of trustee
C. both a & b
D. none of above

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