English Jurisprudence MCQs – Liability (161-175)

English Jurisprudence is a subject of LL.B Part 1. The basic objective behind this MCQs Test of English Jurisprudence is to prepare the students for the different examinations like LAW GAT, LAW entry tests, ADPP, Civil Judge and Additional Judge examinations. LLB MCQs are very often required when someone is preparing for Judiciary examination or similar other papers.

These English Jurisprudence MCQs are based on the different English concept of “Law”, “liability” “criminal justice” and legal matters, Contemporary philosophy of English law, the references of English legal scholars who deal with general jurisprudence and similar concepts originated in English Law.

Here, 161 to 175 MCQs of this English Jurisprudence MCQs series. So, let’s have a look at the English Jurisprudence MCQs (161-175).

A libel upon a dead man shall be punished to defend the right of?

A. The dead man
B. Dead man’s property
C. Descendants of a dead man
D. All of the above

What is the status of A “Firm”?

A. A legal person
B. A mere sum of individuals
C. An incorporated association
D. Both A & B

A Corporation has:

A. Criminal liability
B. Civil liability
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above

What are the different forms of Agreements?

A. Contracts
B. Grants and assignments
C. Releases
D. All of the above

What is a Liability?

A. Civil or Criminal
B. Remedial or penal
C. Divestiture and investiture
D. Both A & B

What do you mean by “Injuria sine damna”?

A. Injury to a legal right with an actual damage
B. Injury to a legal right without actual damage
C. No injury to a legal right with an actual damage
D. no injury to a legal right without any actual damage

What is the Intention?

A. The purpose of doing an act
B. the objective of doing an act
C. The ill-will of doing an act
D. All of the above

In order to hold a man criminally liable, there should be?

A. A criminal act was done by that person
B. requisite mensrea
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above

What is the Purpose of Criminal Justice?

A. Retributive and reformative
B. Deterrent
C. Preventive
D. All of the above

What does Damnum sine injuria mean?

A. Damage is done with an injury to a legal right
B. No damage was done but an injury to the legal right
C. Damage is done without any injury to the legal right
D. all of the above

An act may be mischievous because of?

A. Actual results
B. It’s tendencies
C. The mental instinct of a person
D. Both A & B

The fact which determines positively or negatively the vesting of a right in it is the owner is called

A. Original titles
B. Derivative titles
C. Vestitive fact
D. Allenative facts

Vestitive fact can be?

A. Investitive facts
B. divestitures facts
C. Alienative facts
D. Both A & B

Investitive facts of titles can be?

A. Original titles
B. Derivative titles
C. Alienative facts
D. Both A & B

Divestitive facts can be?

A. Derivative titles
B. Alientive facts
C. Extinctive facts
D. Both A & B


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