MCQs of Criminal Procedure Code 1898 – Basic Concepts (1-75)

we are providing MCQs of Criminal Procedure Code 1898 which is a subject of LL.B Part 3. The basic objective behind this MCQs of Criminal Procedure Code 1898 is to prepare the students for the different examinations like LAW GAT, LAW Entry Tests, ADPP, Civil Judge and Additional Judge examinations. MCQs of Criminal Procedure Code or Cr.PC MCQs are very often required when someone is preparing for Judiciary examination or similar other papers.

These MCQs of Criminal Procedure Code 1898 are based on the different basic concept of criminal law.  Here, 1 to 75 MCQs of Criminal Procedure Code 1898 related to basic concepts is given. So, let’s have a look at the MCQs of Cr.PC.

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What is a Crime in human society?

A. Evitable
B. Inevitable
C. Probable
D. Non-probable

According to Emile Durkheim, there is no society that is not confronted with the problem of?

A. Criminality
B. Recession
C. Inflation
D. Law and order

Crime is a phenomenon which, to every number of human society, is of?

A. Primary concern
B. Secondary concern
C. No concern
D. Negligible concern

The kind of curiosity which is the basis of interest in criminology can be termed as:

A. Scientific curiosity
B. Un-scientific curiosity
C. Artificial curiosity
D. Material curiosity

The definition of crime i.e., “an intentional act or omission in violation of criminal law, committed without defense or justification, and sanctioned by the laws as felony or misdemeanor”, is given by?

A. John Austin
B. Hugo Grotius
C. Paul W. Tappan
D. Raffaele Garofalo

“An act which the group regards as a sufficiently menacing threat to its fundamental interests, to justify formal reaction to restrain the violator.” It is a?

A. The legal definition of crime
B. Illegal definition of crime
C. A social definition of crime
D. Unsocial definition of Crime

The criminologist who regards criminology as the body of knowledge encompassing the processes of making laws, of breaking Jaws, and of reacting towards the breaking of laws is?

A. Wolf gang
B. Sutherland
C. Emile, Qurkhein 1
D. Bentham

The positive school of sociology was founded by?

A. August Comte
B. Sutherland
C. Max Weber
D. Bentham

The school which concludes that studies of criminals arid prisons will never tell us how we ought to treat the criminal any more than studies of the atom will tell us how we ought to use the atomic bomb is?

A. The positive school
B. The German School
C. The negative school
D. The classical school

Classical school of criminology was established by?

A. Bentham
B. Beccaria
C. Austin
D. Both A & B

The positivist school of criminology was established by

A. Lombroso
B. Garofalo
C. Ferri
D. All of the above

The school of criminology which defined crime in legal term was?

A. Classical school
B. Positivist school
C. German school
D. All of the above

The “free will” theory i.e. a person is free to choose between right and wrong conduct was asserted by?

A. Classical school
B. Positivist school
C. German school
D. None of the above

The school which believed in the “Deterrent effect of punishment was:

A. Classical school
B. Positivist school
C. German school
D. All of the above

How many Approaches to criminology are?

A. 1 in number
B. 2 in number
C. 3 in number
D. 4 in number

A crime comprises how many elements?

A. 1 element
B. 2 elements
C. 3 elements
D. 4 elements

What is Mens reas?

A. Physical act
B. Conspiracy
C. Mental element in a crime
D. Both B & C

The statement, “the criminal law and its, administration function in the interest of the capitalist class as part of the state’s repressive apparatus”, is the front-line argument of?

A. Radical Criminology
B. Rebellion Criminology
C. Protestant Criminology
D. none of above

An act committed due to mistake of fact is?

A. An offence
B. Merely a defence but still culpable under the law
C. No offence, if done, in good faith
D. none of above

An act committed due to mistake of law is?

A. No offence at all
B. No offence, if done in good faith
C. An offence and is not a good defence
D. none of above

Mischievous act bye child under 7 years of age is?

A. An offence
B. No offence
C. An offence, if the punishment be life imprisonment or death
D. No offence if the punishment be life imprisonment or death

The system which is followed in different parts of the world in the administration of criminal justice is?

A. Accusatorial system
B. Inquisitorial system
C. Investigatory system
D. Both A & B

Act of an intoxicated person is?

A. An offence in all cases
B. An offence only if intoxication was involuntary
C. A complete defence if intoxications were involuntary
D. A complete defence if intoxication was voluntary

Abatement of a crime is?

A. No crime
B. A complete defence
C. A crime
D. none of above .

Conspiracy to commit a crime is?

A. A crime only when completed
B. A crime even if not completed
C. No crime at all
D. A crime, if abetted.

A crime, in order to be called a crime, has how many stages?

A. One stage
B. Two stages
C. Three stages
D. Four stages

The offence of criminal conspiracy is committed

A. Only if the attempt succeeds
B. Even if attempted
C. As soon as there is an agreement to commit a crime
D. Both A & C

The main principle underlying the law of evidence is?

A. It must be confined to the matter in issue
B. Hearsay evidence must not be admitted
C. The best evidence out of what is given in all cases
D. none of above

Hearsay evidence is?

A. A complete evidence
B. No evidence
C. Partly evidence
D. All of the above

A statement made by an accused person by which he either admits having committed an offence or at any rate substantially all the facts which constitute an offence, is called?

A. Evidence
B. F.I.R
C. Confession
D. Criminal Proceedings

One can be found guilty of an offence only if he has violated:

A. Any law
B. A pre-determined law
C. An undetermined law
D. A bill which is about to be passed by the legislature which would take the form of a law

A cardinal principle of the English system of criminal jurisprudence is that an accused cannot be compelled to give evidence against:

A. Any person
B. Judge
C. Himself
D. His spouse

The principle that a person shall not be prosecuted and punished for the same offence, more than once is the principle of?

A. Protection against self-incrimination
B. Protection against double jeopardy
C. Right to a speedy trial
D. none of above.

Justice delayed is Justice?

A. Denied
B. Delayed
C. Condemned
D. Unheard

Theories of punishment are?

A. 1 in number
B. 2 in number
C. 3 in number
D. 4 in number

An eye for eye and tooth for a tooth” is the underlying principle of?

A. Deterrent theory of punishment
B. Reformative theory of punishment
C. Retributive theory of punishment
D. Preventive theory of punishment

The theory which suggests keeping the criminal away from society by locking them in prisons is?

A. Deterrent theory
B. Reformative theory
C. Retributive theory
D. Preventive theory

The theory which suggests keeping the criminal away from society by locking them in prisons is?

A. Deterrent theory
B. Reformative theory
C. Retributive theory
D. Preventive theory

The theory which favors reformation of culprits is?

A. Deterrent theory of punishment
B. Reformative theory of punishment
C. Retributive theory of punishment
D. Preventive theory of punishment

An idle person who is without visible means of support and who refuses to work despite the ability to work is called?

A. Vagrant
B. Habitual offender
C. Idiot
D. Mental deviants

Any act does not make a man guilty unless his mind is also guilty.

A. True
B. False

Actus Reus is a Latin phrase that literally means

A. the guilty act
B. the forbidden conduct
C. both A & B
D. none of above

Actus Reus of an offence includes all elements of crime except?

A. the mental element
B. not the mental element
C. both A & B
D. none of above

The literal meaning of Actus Reus is that

A. such result of human conduct
B. as the law seeks to prevent
C. both A & B
D. none of above

Legal meaning of Actus Reus is that

A. An act is done in furtherance of intention
B. due culpable to prevent
C. both A & B
D. none of above

The core element of any Actus Reus is

A. defendant’s conduct
B. plaintiffs conduct
C. both A & B
D. none of above

A person is automation when has no control over his muscular movements

A. True
B. False

Mens Rea is generally “thought” as meaning

A. guilty mind
B. criminal intention
C. whatever state of mind
D. All of the above

Men’s Rea may assume one or other forms namely

A. wrongful intention
B. culpable negligence
C. both A & B
D. none of above

The intention is an essential ingredient an a charge of attempting to commit an offence

A. actions involved a risk of the prohibited conduct
B. consequence/result occurrence
C. both A & B
D. none of above

Negligence means the failure to take due care which a person is expected to take in the circumstances of a particular situation.

A. True
B. False

The defendant is held liable for the criminal offence at the same time when he does that illegal act is called?

A. Strict liability
B. vicarious liability
C. both A & B
D. none of above

Acts Reus Men’s Rear

A. criminal liability
B. vicarious liability
C. both A & B
D. none of above

The literal meaning of crime means

A. Activities that invoke breaking the law
B. an illegal act
C. activity that can be punished by law
D. All of the above

In Islamic law, crimes are generally associated with sin. Thus crimes have to be morally wrong

A. True
B. False

The injury should be illegally caused to person i.e.

A . human being in the body
B. mind, reputation or property
C. both A & B 
D. none of above

Functions of criminal law are as follows

A. preservation of life
B. protection of, individual property, state, and country
C. upkeep of morality and culture
D. All of the above

In civil law, the right to file a suit is extinguished after a specified time

A. True
B. False

Punishment is a mean to inflict pain or loss upon a person for his misdeed

A. True
B. False

Historically, there are several connections between tort and crime, so tort had its roots in

A. criminal procedure
B. civil procedure
C. both A & B
D. none of above

Liability is the bond of legal necessity that exists between the

A. wrongdoer
B. remedy of the wrong
C. both A & B
D. none of above

Ignorance of the law is no excuse

A. True
B. False

Strict liability is a kind of liability in which a person becomes liable although he has

A. no Men’s Rea to commit an offence
B. Mean’s Rea to commit an offence
C. both A & B
D. none of above

Ignorance of fact is a good excuse. In English law complete defence to

A. civil liability
B. criminal liability
C. both A & B
D. none of above

An inevitable accident is commonly a good defense in the

A. civil law
B. criminal law
C. both A & B
D. none of above

The presumption is that every die knows that law and the legal presumption is irrebuttable

A. True
B. False

What is the meaning of  Negligence?

A. failure to give somebody
B. something enough care and attention
C. breach of duty to take care
D. All of the above

According to subjective theory, Negligence is a state of mind and negligent is he who does not care at all

A. True
B. False

According to Sir Fedrick Pollack negligence is not a subjective but an objective fact

A. True
B. False

The first crime was committed by?

A. Cain (Qabeel)
B. Abel (Habeel)
C. Adarn
D. none of above

Cain (Qabeel) murdered his brother Abel (Habeel) out of Jealousy was the son of?

A. Adam
B. Eye (Amma Hawa)
C. both A & B
D. none of above

Crime can be defined as wrongdoing classified by the

A. state
B. or parliament of the country
C. or law of land
D. All of the above

What are the social causes of crime in Pakistan?

A. Unemployment
B. Poverty
C. Inflation
D. All of the above

Domestic Abuse includes spousal and child abuse by

A. parents
B. guardians
C. Both A & B
D. none of above

Child abuse means physical sexual and emotional abuse and neglect of a child by his/her

A. parents
B. guardians
C. Both A or B
D. none of above

These are the basic conceptual MCQs of Criminal Procedure Code 1898. If you like to view PPC, Hudood Law, English Jurisprudence MCQs, Sales of Goods Act, and other related LLB Subject wise MCQs then you will find here.


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