Here is the Law Admission Test (LAT) Past Paper held in March 2019. LAT stands for Law Admission Test. LAT is made compulsory for taking admission to the 5-year LL.B study scheme. This is now a test for students who wish to be a law graduate and want to pursue their career in the field of Law and legal affairs in Pakistan. Here, we have arranged LAT Past Paper held in March 2019 with a solution. Find below Law Admission Test (LAT) Past Paper held in March 2019.
Select Similar Words
1. Contempt
a) Confined
b) Disregard
c) Regard
d) Praise
2. Proclaimed
a) Announced
b) Hide
c) Obscure
d) Unclear
3. Elaborate
a) Detailed
b) Plain
c) Unrefined
d) Facile
4. Illustration
a) Explanation
b) Reason
c) Cause
d) Goal
5. Curious
a) Snoopy
b) Dim
c) Bemuse
d) Deceased
6. Absolute
a) Division
b) Small
c) Complete
d) Half
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Select Opposite Words
7. Repulsive
a) Agreeable
b) Creepy
c) Shine
d) Clear
8. Ambiguous
a) Auxiliary
b) Responsible
c) Salvageable
d) Clear
9. Blunt
a) Sharp
b) Frank
c) Friendly
d) Dull
10. Exclude
a) Reject
b) Ignore
c) Include
d) Overlook
11. Exposure
a) Publicity
b) Experience
c) Secrete
d) Contact
12. Forbid
a) Allow
b) Prevent
c) Stop
d) Avoid
13. Relinquish
a) Abdicate
b) Renounce
c) Possess
d) Deny
Fill In The Blanks with suitable words.
14. He prohibited ____ entering
a) In
b) From
c) To
d) At
15. He died ____ Cholera
a) On
b) From
c) To
d) At
16. She was accompanied ____ her mother
a) By
b) With
c) To
d) Beside
17. The police probe ____ the case
a) In
b) Into
c) Over
d) With
18. Start now and go on ____ you reach the river
a) Until
b) Unless
c) Up to
d) To
19. ____ his children, his nephews, and nieces were also present
a) Beside
b) Besides
c) Outside
d) Before
20. We have been waiting ____ morning
a) Since
b) From
c) For
d) To
1. Which is the space agency of America?
c) ESA
d) None of the above
2. Kangaroo is the national animal of which country?
a) Canada
b) Australia
c) Russia
d) America
3. Which country has the highest oil reserves?
a) Qatar
b) Russia
c) Saudi Arabia
d) UAE
4. Who won the football world cup in 2018?
a) Germany
b) Brazil
c) France
d) England
5. American President term is for
a) Five year
b) Four Year
c) Three Year
d) None of the above
6. Capital punishment means
a) Life in prison
b) 10 years in prison
c) Death Penalty
d) None of the above
7. Headquarter of the European Union
a) Brussels
b) Geneva
c) London
d) Paris
8. The first Gulf was started in
a) 1989
b) 1988
c) 1990
d) 1991
9. Largest producer of tea in the world?
a) Kenya
b) Sri Lanka
c) Indonesia
d) China
10. Eiffel Tower is built in which city of France?
a) Paris
b) Nice
c) Lyon
d) Toulouse
11. Who suggested Pakistan Standard Time?
a) Professor Muhammad Anwar
b) Liaquat Ali Khan
c) Dr. Abdus Salam
d) Dr. Samar Mubarik
12. Where is the biggest salt mine?
a) Mingora
b) Jhelum
c) Swat
d) None of the above
13. The longest river in Pakistan
a) Ravi
b) Sindh
c) Chenab
d) Jhelum
14. Singapore was separated from which country?
a) China
b) Malaysia
c) Japan
d) Thailand
15. The world’s oldest prime minister at the age of 92 is?
a) Queen Elizabeth
b) Mahatir Muhammad
c) Mahatma Gandhi
d) Quaid-e-Azam
16. The international court of justice is located in
a) Paris
b) New York
c) The Hague
d) London
17. Who is not a member of SAARC?
a) Afghanistan
b) Bangladesh
c) Pakistan
d) Tajikistan
18. The Khyber Pass links which two countries?
a) Afghanistan & Pakistan
b) Iran & Pakistan
c) India & Pakistan
d) Russia & Pakistan
19. Baghdad is the capital of which Middle East country?
a) Iraq
b) Syria
c) Egypt
d) Yemen
20. Which country has no ocean?
a) Afghanistan
b) China
c) Iran
d) Pakistan
1. Prophet belongs to ____ family
a) Madni
b) Hashmi
c) Makki
d) Quresh
2. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had ____ daughters
a) 3
b) 2
c) 4
d) 5
3. Zabur was revealed on
a) Hazrat Mosa (AS)
b) Hazrat Issa (AS)
c) Hazrat Dawood (AS)
d) Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)
4. Who was awarded the title of “The Sword of Allah”?
a) Ali Al-Murtaza
b) Abu Bakar Siddique
c) Umar Farooque
d) Khalid Bin Waleed
5. The first Masjid (Mosque) on the surface of the earth is
a) Masjid-e-Aqsa
b) Masjid-e-Quba
c) Masjid-ul-Haram
d) Masjid-e-Nabwi
6. In Hajj, stoning the devil is called
a) Ramee
b) Tawaf
c) Istilam
d) Sayee
7. First-time Azan was proposed by
a) Hazrat Umer
b) Hazrat Ali
c) Hazrat Abu Bakar
d) Hazrat Bilal
8. First Mosque that was demolished by Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was
a) Masjid-e-Aqsa
b) Masjid-ul-Haram
c) Masjid-e-Zarrar
d) Masjid-e-Quba
9. Social Boycott of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) continued for ____ years.
a) 4 years
b) 3 years
c) 5 years
d) 2 years
10. ____ Muslims fought in Ghazwa-e-Baddar
a) 666
b) 811
c) 113
d) 313
1. Official name of Pakistan by 1956 Constitution?
a) the United States of Pakistan
b) the Republic of Pakistan
c) Islamic Pakistan
d) the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
2. Which Government system by the 1962 Constitution?
a) Autonomous
b) Presidential
c) Bicameral
d) Confederate
3. Who elects the president by the 1973 Constitution?
a) National Assembly
b) Senate
c) Both of them
d) None of them
4. Article 58 b of the 1973 Constitution says?
a) Power of President to dismiss Army Chief
b) Power of President to dissolve Provincial Assemblies
c) Power of President to dissolve National Assembly
d) Power of President to dissolve Senate
5. National flower of Pakistan?
a) Lilly
b) Rose
c) Jasmine
d) Tulip
6. Supreme commander of armed forces is?
a) Army Chief
b) Prime Minister
c) President
d) Governor
7. the Thal Desert is where?
a) Sindh
b) Gilgit
c) KPK
d) Punjab
8. Sardar Abdur-Rab-Nishtar was governor of?
a) Gilgit Baltistan
b) KPK
c) Punjab
d) Sindh
9. First woman governor of state bank?
a) Noor Jahan
b) Dr. Shamshad Akhter
c) Farzana Raja
d) Dr. Ashraf Abbasi
10. Defense day observed on?
a) 6th September
b) 11th September
c) 7th September
d) None of them
1. 25×0.75 =
a) 2.25
b) 25.00
c) 26.50
d) 18.25
3. 100 + 200 + 300 + 400 =
a) 700
b) 800
c) 1000
d) 900
4. 15% of 400 =
a) 60
b) 340
c) 275
d) 225
5. A car travels 80 km per hour and traveled for one hour and thirty minutes, and then stopped for one hour, again traveled for 2 hours and completed the journey. How many kilometers does a car travel?
a) 240 km
b) 280 km
c) 225 km
d) 243 km
LAT Essay Topics
- Role of teachers to make students responsible?
- Media education?
- Women rights?
LAT Personal statement
Why do you want to choose the law profession?
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SAARC consisits of how many members
Dear sister SAARC consist of 08 Member states. Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.
A.O A! Actually sir there are some mcqs which are marked wrong……. so plzz correct them.
Dear sister, kindly points out those here.
first mosque on the surface of earth is Quba
Dear first Masjid is Masjid-al-Haram
First mosque Demolishes by prophet is zarar