Here is the Law Admission Test (LAT) Past Paper held on 21 August 2022. LAT stands for Law Admission Test. LAT is a compulsory test for taking admission to the 5-year LL.B. This is now a test for students who want to be law graduates and want to pursue their careers in the field of Law and legal affairs in Pakistan. Here, you’ll find LAT Past Paper held on 21 August 2022 with a complete solution. Find below Law Admission Test (LAT) Past Paper held in August 2022.
LAT Past Paper 21 August 2022
The following questions were asked in the LAT paper of 21 August 2022:
LAT English MCQs
Ans: carelessly
Ans: Difficult
Ans: Widespread
Ans: Repeat
Complete the sentences by choosing the most appropriate option given below:
5. Shazia had opened the door before we ____.
Ans: arrived
6. Have you had enough to eat, or would you like something ___?
Ans: else
7. I hope you excuse my ___ early.
Ans: leaving
8. There is no meaning ___ what he says.
Ans: in
9. My views are quite in accordance with ___ of the Higher Education Commission.
Ans: that
10. They were almost ___ but, somehow, survived.
Ans: died
11. The car stopped suddenly, and we could hear the brakes ___.
And: Screeching
12. There are some good rules to live ___.
Ans: by
13. I ___ hate traveling by air.
Ans: really
14. Do you need ___ now?
Ans: to go
15. If we ___ early, we would reach our destination in time.
Ans: Started
16. He got angry and ___ without eating.
Ans: left
Ans: appreciate
Ans: Acceptable
Ans: dull
Ans: idle
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LAT General Knowledge MCQs
21. The National Assembly seats are increased due to an increase in?
Ans: Population
22. What is the name of Chinese Currency?
Ans: Renmimbi (RMB).
23. The Name of Earth’s Natural Satellite is?
Ans: Moon
24. Which Country recognized Pakistan first?
Ans: Iran
25. Pakistan joined UNO in which year?
Ans: September 30, 1947
26. Amnesty International is an international non-governmental organization focused on ___.
Ans: Human rights
27. The First page of a website is known as ___.
Ans: Homepage
28. The chemical formula of carbon dioxide is ___.
Ans: CO2
29. The G7 (group of seven) is an organization of the world’s seven largest ___ economies.
Ans: advanced
30. The Famous Footballer Lionel Messi belongs to which country?
Ans: Argentina
31. Which is the output device of a computer?
Ans: Printer
32. The smallest country in the world is___.
Ans: Vatican City
33. The main aim of SAARC is___.
Ans: Regional Cooperation
34. Nelson Mandela belongs to which country?
Ans: South Africa
35. Sunbathing is a good source of___?
Ans: Vitamin D
36. Pakistan is located in ___.
Ans: South Asia
37. What Does ICC stand for?
Ans: International Cricket Council
38. London is the Capital City of ___?
Ans: England
39. The heavenly bodies which revolve around the sun are called ___.
Ans: Planets
40. Which continent is known as the “Dark Continent”?
Ans: Africa
LAT Pakistan Study MCQs
41. Who from the called all parties conference at Shimla in June 1945?
Ans: Lord Wavell
42. The largest percentage of the population of Pakistan is employed by which of the following sector?
Ans: Agriculture
43. According to the partition formula, Pakistan was entitled to receive 1 billion, but the Indian government agreed to pay only rupees ___ at the time of independence.
Ans: 0.50 billion
44. Mohenjo-Daro is a ___ word meaning literally “mound of the dead”.
Ans: Sindhi
45. In the year 1837 ___ was recognized as the language of the civil court of the British government of India.
Ans: Persian
46. On the basis of physical features, the land of Pakistan is divided into ___ regions.
Ans: five
47. Presiding officer of the National Assembly of Pakistan is called ___.
Ans: Speaker
48. Pakistan’s national income increased by 37 percent against the stipulated target of 24 percent in ___ five-year plan.
Ans: second
49. the basis of our national unity is ___.
Ans: Culture
50. The Major obstacle in the way of national integration in Pakistan is ___.
Ans: Political Instability
LAT Islamic Study MCQs
51. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) declared ___ a key to paradise.
Ans: Namaz (Salah)
52. Whose title is Abu-al-Bashar?
Ans: Hazrat Adam (A.S)
53. Who brings messages, injunctions, and scriptures to his prophets?
Ans: Hazrat Jibraiel (A.S)
54. What is the First Pillar of Islam?
Ans: Kalima-e-Shahadat
55. What is the Nisab of Zakat on Gold?
Ans: 7.5 tola
56. What is the other name of Battel of Ahzab?
Ans: Battle of Trench
57. The literal meaning of Zakat is?
Ans: to purify / to clean
58. The disciplined universe is the best proof of ___.
Ans: Tauheed
59. The first revelation of the Holy Quran consisted of ___ ayats.
Ans: five
60. The universal Risalat is the quality of ___.
Ans: Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)
LAT Mathematics MCQs
61. A car owner earns 30% profit on a sale of a car. If the cost of that car is Rs. 5,00,000 then the profit he will get is ___.
Ans: 150,000
62. Find the supplement of 123° angles
Ans: 57°
63. The area of a square having each side length 6 feet is ___.
Ans: 36 ft.
64. Anwar has Rs. 167000 in his bank account. The amount of Zakat he would have to pay after 1 year is ___.
Ans: 4175
ماں کہتی ہے میرا چاند آیا، قواعد کی رو سے کیا ہے۔
جواب: استعارہ
جو لفظ کسی کلمے کے آخر میں لگانے سےمعانی میں اضافہ یا تبدیلی پیدا کرے۔
جواب: لاحقہ
اورنگ سلیمان قواعد کی رو سے کیا ہے؟
جواب: تشبیہ
مرکب جاری کی پہچان کیا ہے؟
جواب: بات مکمل اور جاری ہو۔
درج ذیل میں سے “اضافات تخصیصی کی مثال کون سی ہے؟
جواب: احمد کا گھر
ندیم آیا ، فرح گئی، قواعد کی رو سے کیا ہیں؟
جواب: ماضی قریب
ایسا فعل جس کا فاعل معلوم ہو کیا کہلاتا ہے؟
جواب: فعل مجہول
اسے کالے نے کاٹا قواعد کے اعتبار سے کیا ہے؟
جواب: استعارہ
کل کو کہ کر جز مراد لینا قواعد کی رو سے کیا ہے؟
جواب: مجاز مرسل
حاثیہ چڑھانا ان میں سے کس کے متعلق ہے؟
جواب: محاورہ
LAT Essay Topics
1. Role of Social Media
2. 100-year plan of plantation
LAT Personal Statement
- Three wishes of my life (میری زندگی کی تین خواہشات)
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If x=3 ,what will be the answer
Mathematics no5
Total question 75 the jb k aap ne 64 kiyee hai, sir kindly ap pooray question upload kre
Urdu ko milake 74 questions hain..
Some and are wrong,like Abu Al basher is hazrat Ibrahim
No brother. Ap ye baten Abu ka kia matlab hota he? Or Bashar ka Kia matlab hota he? Abu al bashar ka matlab hota he Insan ka baap. or Ibrahi (A.S) is not right answer. Right Answr is Hazrat Adam (A.S).
Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)’s title is Abu al Anmbiya.
Hazrat nooh is correct answer go and check
Hazrat Nooh’s (A.s) title is Abdul Al-Bashar Sani (second).
Which prophet of Allah is called Abu-Al-Bashar? A. Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.) B. Holy Prophet (PBUH) C. Hazrat Adam (A.S)
Dear brother Hazrat Adam (A.S)
Please update about all questions
Tmam Questions update kr diye gey hen.
Sir kindly upload all questions..
WE have uploaded almost all the questions.
Yes got it.. Thank you.
Sir sary questions upload krna
G we’ll upload as soon as we received other questions.