Here is the LAT Past Paper held on 24 November 2024. LAT stands for Law Admission Test. It is a compulsory test for admission to the 5-year LL.B. This is now a test for students who want to be law graduates. If you want to be admitted to an LL.B. in any public university in Pakistan, you must pass the LAT paper.
In this post, you’ll find the LAT Past Paper held on 24 November 2024 with a solution.

LAT Pak Study MCQs
Which Province of Pakistan is called Bab-ul-Islam?
- Punjab
- Sindh
- None of these
Name the pact in which the Muslims and Hindus agreed to a separate electorate.
- Gandhi-Jinnah pact
- Liaquat-Nehru pact
- Lucknow pact
- Reforms pact
Who Presented the Lahore Resolution (Pakistan Resolution) on 23rd March 1940?
- Allama Iqbal
- A.K Fazlul-Haq
- Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
- Liaquat Ali Khan
Who overthrew Nawaz Sharif’s government in 1999?
- General Ayub Khan
- General Yahya Khan
- General Zia-ul-Haq
- General Pervez Musharraf
Which animal is the national animal of Pakistan?
- Tiger
- Lion
- Arabian horse
- Markhor
Rehman Baba was the poet of which language?
- Punjabi
- Sindhi
- Balochi
- Pashto
Which city in Pakistan is famous for sports goods?
- Peshawar
- Lahore
- Sialkot
- Islamabad
The historical Ranikot Fort is situated in which District of Sindh?
- Jacobabad
- Shikarpur
- Kashmore
- Jamshoro
Who destroyed the Somnath temple?
- Ghori
- Shah Jehan
- Mehmud Ghazni
- Babar
Who became the first Nobel Prize Laureate in the history of Pakistan?
- Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan
- Malala Yousafzai
- Dr Abdul Salam
- None of these
Quaid-e-Azam Residency situated in ___?
- Karachi
- Quetta
- Ziarat
- Sibi
Khushal Khan Khattak was a famous poet of __ language.
- Siraiki
- Punjabi
- Balochi
- Pashto
The percentage of Oxygen in the air is ___?
- 20.94%
- 21.94%
- 22.94%
- 25.7%
Who was the first emperor of the Ottoman Empire?
- Mehmed II
- Osman I
- Suleiman the Magnificent
- Orha
Marco Polo sheep are mostly found in which region of Pakistan?
- Hunza
- Chitral
- Skardu
- Gilgit
The panda is the national animal of which country?
- Japan
- China
- South Korea
- Thailand
What is the name of the universal donor blood group?
- B
- O-
- AB
- A
The Capital of Australia is ___?
- Sydney
- Canberra
- Perth
- Melbron
International Women’s Day is observed on which date?
- 1st March
- 5th March
- 8th March
- None of these
Which is the currency of Saudi Arabia?
- Dollar
- Euro
- Rupee
- Riyal
The Laver Cup is associated with the national game of which country?
- India
- England
- Australia
- France
Which Country has two National Anthem?
- Newzeland and Denmark
- China and Russia
- Iraq and Iran
- U.K and U.S.A
Bala Hisar Fort is located in __?
- Mardan
- Swat
- Peshawar
- Dir
What is the Currency of Australia?
- Chilean Peso
- Australian Dollar
- Ngultrum
- Colombian Peso
Which country is also called Rainbow Nation?
- Hungary
- South Africa
- Netherlands
- Norway
CIA is the secret agency of which country?
- United Kingdom
- Canada
- India
Where is the headquarters of the United Nations situated?
- Newyork
- Sydney
- Istanbul
- Tokyo
English MCQs
What is the synonym of the word “nap”?
- Sleep
- Jump
- Walk
- Wake
What is the synonym of resemble?
- Differ
- Similar
- Imitate
- Compare
What is the antonym of circulation?
- Movement
- Rotation
- Blockage
- Spread
To find the third proportion of 3:12
- 12
- 34
- 48
- None of these
Islamic Study MCQs
The Holy Prophet (PBHU) performed Hajj in __?
- 9 Hijri
- 10 Hijri
- 8 Hijri
- 11 Hijri
A person who recites Kalma of Islam Verbally Not Heartilly is called?
- Munafiq
- Muslim
- Murtad
- Momin
What is Usher and Zakat in Islam?
- Two prominent warriors of Islam
- Two months of Islamic Calendar
- Two Kinds of Tax in Islam
- None of these
The tragedy of Karbala took place in the year ___?
- 71 Hijri
- 79 Hijri
- 61 Hijri
- 82 Hijri
Khateeb ul Anbia is the title of which prophet?
- Hazrat Shoaib
- Hazrat Dawood
- Hazrat Musa
- Hazrat Ibrahim
Zaboor was revealed on which Prophet?
- Hazrat Mossa (a.s)
- Hazrat Issa (a.s)
- Hazrat Dawood (a.s)
- Hazrat Muhammad (a.s)
Nisab of Zakat for Silver is?
- 40 Tolas
- 50 Tolas
- 50 ½ Tolas
- 52 ½ Tolas
Hazrat ___ (R.A) has the title of “gateway to knowledge”.
- Abubakar
- Umar
- Usman
- Ali
How many heads of zakat?
- 7
- 6
- 4
- 8
In what surah is the first verse in the Holy Quran revealed?
- Al-Muddaththir
- Al-Muzzammil
- Al-Fatiha
- Al-Alaq
The real brother of Hazrat Yousaf A.S was
- Younis
- Bin Yameen
- Ebeel
- Sheesh
Who is known as the Lion Of Allah?
- Hazrat Abu Bakar
- Hazrat Usman
- Hazrat Ali
- Hazrat Umer
LAT Personal Statement
The Best Decision for Being a High School Teacher
Becoming a high school teacher has been one of the best choices in my life. Teaching is not merely a job; it is how to influence young people, creating an effect that will never fade away. As a teacher, I can inspire them, make them find their potential, and lead them toward their dreams.
Every day brings new challenges and rewards. I enjoy teaching because it lets me connect with students and help them in their learning. It feels great to see their faces brighten when they understand something hard or achieve what they thought was impossible. These moments remind me why I chose this job.
I also learned to grow as a person by becoming a teacher. It teaches patience, talking to other people, and adapting to change. I learned to listen to the students’ needs and therefore how to be more compassionate and able to solve problems.
High school is a very important time in a student’s life. As a teacher, I help them prepare for the future in school and their feelings and relationships. Knowing that I help shape responsible and confident people makes me very happy. Teaching is not just a job for me. It is something I feel meant to do. I am proud to be a high school teacher and would not give it up for anything else.
LAT English Essay Topics
- Hunting is an Immoral Act
- V-logging as a Profession
- Role of Science in Crime Investigation
Also read:
- LAT Past Paper 11 August 2024 (solved)
- Law Admission Test (LAT) Past Paper 04 February 2024
- All Previous LAT Past papers