Here is the Law Admission Test (LAT) Past Paper held on 30 January 2022. LAT stands for Law Admission Test. LAT is made compulsory for taking admission to the 5-year LL.B study scheme. This is now a test for students who wish to be law graduates and want to pursue their careers in the field of Law and legal affairs in Pakistan. Here, we have arranged LAT Past Paper held on 30 January 2022 with a complete solution. Find below the Law Admission Test (LAT) Past Paper held in January 2022.
LAT Past Paper 30 January 2022
The following questions were asked in the LAT paper of 30 January 2022:
LAT English MCQs
Write synonyms of the following words:
Ans: make fun of
Ans: Walk
Ans: Outline
Ans: stink
Ans: defrost
Write antonyms of the following words:
Ans: low
Ans: polite
Ans: dispiriting
Ans: credulous
Download our Official LAT Preparation App Now. Its available in both offline and online versions.

LAT Pak Study MCQs
When was the 2nd Martial Law imposed?
Ans: 1969
Which type of government was in 1962?
Ans: Presidential Government
What form of government was introduced in the 1973 Constitution?
Ans: Parliamentary form of government
The longest peak of the Himalayas in Pakistan?
Ans: Nanga Parbat
1st president of the Constitutional Assembly was?
Ans: Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Who abrogated the first constitution of Pakistan?
Ans: President Iskander Mirza
Where are the biggest Gold and Copper mines in Pakistan?
Ans: Balochistan province
State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) was inaugurated by?
Ans: Muhammad Ali Jinnah in 1948.
The first Constitutional Amendment was made in which year?
Ans: 1974
Minto Park is also known as?
Ans: Greater Iqbal Park
Which province of Pakistan is called the “Land of Apples”?
Ans: KPK
Punjab is on which side of Pakistan?
Ans: East Side
Which Pass Connects Peshawar With Chitral?
Ans: Lowari Pass
Which is the biggest Textile Market in Pakistan?
Ans: Faisalabad
When Quaid-e-Azam gave his 14 points?
Ans: 1929
LAT General Knowledge MCQs
How many members does NATO have?
Ans: 30 Members
Peacock Throne was given to?
Ans: Emperor Shahjahan
Founder of Mughal Empire?
Ans: Zaheer-ud-din Babar
Largest Earth Fill Dam in the World?
Ans: Tarbela Dam, Pakistan
Carbon makes which of Earth’s Hard Elements?
Ans: Diamond
How many hours Pakistan is ahead of GMT?
Ans: 5 hours ahead of GMT.
Which Pakistan players won the title of “King of Squash”?
Ans: Jahangir Khan
Shortest Day of the Year?
Ans: 22 December
What is the Capital of Australia?
Ans: Canberra
Who is the winner of the T20 World in 2021?
Ans: Australia
How many States does the USA have?
Ans: 50
Berlin is the City of Which Country?
Ans: Germany
Which is the highest peak of the Himalayas?
Ans: Mount Everest
LAT Islamic Study MCQs
The effective system of Zakat can ensure the elimination of ___?
Ans: Poverty
How many Madni Surahs are in the Holy Quran?
Ans: 28
Second Mother Name of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Ans: Umm Ayman
Meesaq-e-Madina was between?
Ans: Muslims and Jews
In which Surah regulations about Prisoners are given?
Ans: Surah Nisa
Uhud is located in which direction of Madina?
Ans: North Direction
According to the Quran, the Unpardonable Sin is?
Ans: Shirk
What Does Prophet Mean?
Ans: Messenger of Allah
Amount of Zakat on 28,560?
Ans: 714
The Supplementary angle of 160 degrees is?
Ans: 20 degrees
125 + 186 = ?
Ans: 65 (3+2)
What is the set of natural numbers?
Ans: N ={1,2,3,4,5,6,… }
مسافر کا متضاد؟
جواب: مقیم
تقریر کا متضاد؟
جواب: تحریر
جواب: ادنیٰ
جواب: کثیف
Essay Topics
- Hard Work is the key to success.
- Tree Planting Can Save Earth.
- The Role of Teachers?
Personal Statement
What Effects does COVID have on your life?
LAT Past Paper Video Part-01:
LAT Past Paper Video Part-02:
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Kisi ko pta h kb hoga lat?
21 .08 .2022
Yar roll number slip kahan sa mila gi
HEC ki website sy.
Great post thanks for sharing
I want to need
Kya ye paper PDF mein milega ?