Here is the Law Admission Test (LAT) Past Paper held on 07 March 2021. LAT stands for Law Admission Test. LAT is made compulsory for taking admission to the 5-year LL.B study scheme. This is now a test for students who wish to be law graduates and want to pursue their career in the field of Law and legal affairs in Pakistan. Here, we have arranged LAT Past Paper held on March 2021 with the solution.
LAT Past Paper 07 March 2021
The following questions are asked in the LAT paper of 07 March 2021:
Choose the lettered word or phrase that is most nearly similar in meaning to the word in capital letters.
A. Famous
B. Popular
C. Getting public attention
D. Disgrace
A. Thankfulness
B. Clove
C. Kind
D. Respect
A. Wound
B. Throat disease
C. Fever
D. Flu
A. Liver specialist
B. Ear Specialist
C. General Physician
D. Eye specialist
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26. Which of the following is the founder of the United States of America?
A. John Adams
B. George Washington
C. Columbus
D. George Bush
27. Which of the following is the founder of the Peoples Republic of China?
A. Sun Yatsen
B. Shou Enial
C. Mao Zedong
D. Deng Xiaoping
28. There are ____ players in a volleyball team.
A. Four
B. Five
C. Six
D. Seven
29. Which of the following card is used as a warning in Football?
A. White
B. Yellow
C. Red
D. Green
30. Samina Baig, is the first woman from Pakistan who has climbed the ____ in 2013.
A. Mount Everest
B. Summit of the K2 mountain
C. Peak Chashkin Sar
D. Peaks of Karakoram
31. The 9/11 attacks on the USA happened in ___.
A. 2000
B. 2001
C. 2002
D. 2003
32. The Iranian Islamic Revolution came in ____.
A. 1979
B. 1980
C. 1981
D. 1982
33. Who attacked Afghanistan in 1979?
B. Taliban
C. Iran
D. Soviet Union
34. Arab Spring is a series of Political revolutions started in ____.
A. 2010
B. 2011
C. 2012
D. 2013
35. Which of the following is the currency of Saudi Arabia?
A. Dirham
B. Dinar
C. Lira
D. Riyal
36. Which of the following is the currency of the Peoples Republic of China?
A. Yen
B. Euro
C. Yuan
D. Tiin
37. The capital of Turkey is _____.
A. Istanbul
B. Ankara
C. Bursa
D. Izmir
38. Which of the following city is located in Punjab province?
A. Dera Ismail Khan
B. Ziarat
C. Sukkur
D. Sahiwal
39. Sui Gas is discovered and originated from ____ province.
A. Khyber Pakhtunkhuwa
B. Punjab
C. Baluchistan
D. Sindh
40. The first Army Chief of Pakistan was _____.
A. General Ayub Khan
B. General Sir Frank Messervy
C. James Wilfred Jefford
D. General Tikka Khan
41. Fam0us football player Diego Maradonna belonged to _____.
A. Brazil
B. Mexico
C. Chile
D. Argentina
42. Pakistan is located in the _____ of India.
A. North
B. South
C. East
D. West
43. The study of sky objects is called _____.
A. Anatomy
B. Astronomy
C. Vision Sciences
D. Metrology
44. Which of the following gas is used to extinguish the fire?
A. Oxygen
B. Hydrogen
C. Carbon dioxide
D. Sulphur
45. Name the country with the largest natural gas reserves?
A. India
B. Canada
C. Russia
D. Italy
46. The most significant demand of the Simla Deputation (1906) was _____.
A. Separate homeland for Muslims of India
B. Separate electorate
C. Political Party for Muslims of India
D. Partition of Bengal
47. Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan formed the five-member cabinet under the guidance of:
A. Lord Mountbatten
B. Quaid-e-Azam
C. Chaudhry Rehmat Ali
D. Cheif of Army Staff
48. Pakistan took a firm stand against the expansionist design of the:
A. United States of America
B. Soviet Union
C. British Crown
D. India
49. Social Rights are also called:
A. Legal Rights
B. Natural Rights
C. Civil Rights
D. Mora Rights
50. Good governance can be established only in a strong and stable:
A. Defense System
B. Economy
C. Political culture
D. Accountable system
51. Pakistan has produced some of the world’s finest sportsmen in the field of Hockey, cricket and:
A. Football
B. Badminton
C. Volleyball
D. Squash
52. In which year Urdu was recognized as the language of civil courts of the British government?
A. 1837
B. 1849
C. 1866
D. 1899
53. In the federal form of government powers are divided between the _____.
A. Prime Minister and President
B. Prime Minister and Ministes
C. Federal and Provincial governments
D. President and Cheif Justice
54. Which of the following plays a key role in the development of a country?
A. Political leadership
B. Natural Resources
C. Accountability
D. Information Technology
55. Which year was marked with polarization between the Socialist Bloc led by the Soviet Union and the Capitalist Bloc led by the United States of America?
A. Cold War Era
B. Multi-polar World era
C. Uni-polar world era
D. Hot War Era
56. The biggest virtue as mentioned in Sura Baqra is?
A. Politeness
B. Eman (faith)
C. Hajj
D. Salat
Note: both Eman and Salat are mentioned in Surah Baqrah. The examiner should give separate options rather than both. In our opinion, the Eman (faith) is the biggest virtue according to Surah Baqra as it is the first pillar of Islam.
57. The Sin which will not be forgiven is:
A. Leaving prayer
B. Lie
C. Shirk
D. Treason
58. Seal of the messengers of Allah is:
A. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)
B. Hazrat Musa (AS)
C. Hazrat Essa (AS)
D. Hazrat Adam (AS)
59. The messenger of Allah who made Ship was Hazrat:
A. Adam (AS)
B. Nooh (AS)
C. Ibrahim (AS)
D. Dawood (AS)
60. The disbeliever says that:
A. No prayer is obligatory
B. No fasting is obligatory
C. No hajj is obligatory
D. There is no hereafter
61. Building of Islam is standing upon ___ pillars.
A. three
B. four
C. five
D. six
62. Zakat is obligatory when a Muslim has a wealth worth of ____ tola gold.
A. 4.5
B. 5.5
C. 6.5
D. 7.5
63. The most stressed upon the right of people is:
A. Care of parents
B. Neighborhood
C. Care of children
D. To give way
64. With whom, the two daughters of Prophet Muhammad (PUBH) were married, one after the other?
A. Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A)
B. Hazrat Usman (R.A)
C. Hazrat Talha (R.A)
D. Hazrat Abbas (R.A)
65. Holy Quran has been revealed in:
A. Miraj night
B. Night of Migration
C. Night of power
D. Night of Fathe Makkah
مندرجہ ذیل کے متضاد لکھیں۔
الف۔ قمر
ب۔ سورج
ج۔ ستارہ
د۔ کہکشاں
الف۔ پرانا
ب۔ قدیم
ج۔ جدید
د۔ دیر سے آنے والا
الف۔ آسمان
ب۔ زمین
ج۔ دھرتی
د۔ میدان
کج ادا
الف۔ خوش ادا
ب۔ خوش نوا
ج۔ کج رو
د۔ دل رہا
بے سود
الف۔ مفید
ب۔ ضررساں
ج۔ غیر فائدہ مند
د۔ بے حس
مندرجہ ذیل کے مترادف لکھیں۔
ہنگام سحر
الف۔ ہنگامے کا وقت
ب۔ لڑائی کا وقت
ج۔ صبح کا وقت
د۔ شام کا وقت
خوش بختی
الف۔ خوش نصیبی
ب۔ خوش فہمی
ج۔ بد بختی
د۔ بے بختی
مجلس شورہ
الف۔ عام مجلس
ب۔ مجلس مشاورت
ج۔ مجلس خاص
د۔ محفل
Note: this LAT Paper of 07 March 2021 is being updated as soon as we receive other MCQs.
LAT Essay
- Blessings of Independence
- How to reduce inflation?
- State of Madina and today’s Pakistan
LAT Personal Statement
How can you be helpful in promoting tolerance in the society of Pakistan?
Also Read:
- One Essay for Multi Topics for LAT and USAT Exam
- 03 October 2021 LAT Past paper solved
- 08 August 2021 LAT Past paper solved
- LAT Complete Guide and Syllabus
- Law Admission Test (LAT) Past Papers 07 March 2021
- All Other Past Papers of LAT
- LAT Preparation Online
- GAT Past Papers
Plz Hilight correct MCQ s
Lat test
Do we have to introduce ourselves even if personal statements topics aren’t related to law?
Lat test Oct 2021 Ki roll number slip KB issue ho GE…?
Roll no. Slip agae he
Sir roll number slip aa gai hai
Essay or statement me topic ki Urdu hoti he
No Urdu nai likhi hoti sath
ha hoti ha or essay ma choice bhi hoti a
Sir essay ke sath us ki Urdu hoti he or parsnal statement ki
First general of Pakistan army Was General Tikka Khan.
No Dear General Frank is the right answer.
Gen.frank was first commandar in cheif. Army cheif was Gen.tikkah
Hey sir new test upload kr dain hamara aj test ho gya
We are uploading in few hours. Please visit again.
Sir in SB mcqs k answer kidr h bs Urdu k lgy h
Dear answers highlight huwy hen bold kia huwa he unko. Jesy Urdu walo ko kia huwa he.
urdu k ni hn answers
Urdu k Answer bold kiye huwa hen. Kindly dheyan sy dekhen.
Arey ni hn bold
apny mobile ka font change kren phr dekhen.
A-lot of mcqs are wrong..! Kindly don’t spread wrong information
Tell us about those then we analyze they are wrong or not. Thanks for your feedback.
Urdu Mcqs no.3
Dear ye Mutzad alfaz hen is lia answer correct hen ap isko samjh nai saki.
MCQ 48, it`s Soviet Union, not USA
Thanks, brother for the feedback it was just a clerical mistake. Thanks for your support.
founder of republic of china
Hmesha aisy hi hta
paper pdf download krna hain kahn sa krne
Agar aap k paas iphone hai tho ss lai or full page wala option select kar lai pdm mai hojaiga
how many days remain of the next test (LAT)
sir how many marks are required to pass lat? abi tk high score kitna ha?
You have to get as many marks as you can. Because it will help in your final merit list. So there are no passing marks for LAT, get maximum marks to be in the fina merit list.
Yes, they can apply by clicking the result awaiting option while filling the application online.
I am
Coming date of Lat after march 2021 ?
Hopefully the Next LAT will be held in June 2021.
sir confirm kab tak pata chaly ga.?
Exact to jab HEC annouonce krey gi tab he pata chaly ga. But hopefully June men he ho.
Thanks sir and hec ki website sy pata chaly ga ?
Yes from there also.
sir kindly upload all mcqs we are waiting
we will upload it as soon as received it.
Sir 75 McQ the aap ny Kam upload keye hen
Yes brother that’s why we were given a note at the end of this paper that we are collecting the remaining MCQs. And when we receive it all we will update here very soon.
03327881092 send these past papers in pdf
Dear brother at this post just press the Ctrl + P button to save it as a PDF file. Thanks
sir apna copy krna ka option available ni rkha kindly woi rkh dein it will be very helpful for us . i want to make my own word files . ctrl p sa pdf banta a lekin zra thk ni hota
Dear brother we know it’s a little hard, but you must know that people stealing our content and publishing it on their website with no credit to us. It takes much time to produce the content. That’s why we are bound to strictly copy option. Please try to understand our problem.