Here I have arranged the CSS Political Science Paper-I 2023. You can view or download this CSS Political Science Paper-I 2023.
CSS Political Science Paper-I 2023
The following questions are given in the Political Science Paper-I for CSS 2023.
Q2. Explain Bentham’s greatest happiness of the greatest number.
Q3. What are Al-Ghazali’s prerequisites for becoming a Khalifa?
Q4. Expound Iqbal’s vision for raise of Muslims in South Asia in the era of colonialism.
Q5. Write short notes on the following:
- Existentialism is humanism
- Cogito, ergo sum (1 think, therefore I am)
Q6. Rights and duties are two facets of the same coin. Elaborate.
Q7. In an Islamic state, Islam is considered a complete code of life, which provides guidelines for the proper management of political power. Elaborate.
View the CSS Political Science Paper 2023:

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