Here, you will find the CSS Pakistan Affairs Paper 2024. You can view or download this CSS Pakistan Affairs Paper 2024. The Pakistan Affairs paper of CSS was held on 02-03-2024.
Pakistan Affairs Paper for CSS 2024
Q1. Political stability remains an elusive concept in Pakistan. Explore the factors contributing to the fractured nature of Pakistan’s polity and discuss potential reforms to the constitutional and political structure that could foster stability.
Q2. Keeping in view the socio-politico circumstances of sub-continent, discuss the role of Sheikh Ahmed Sarhindi (Mujadid Alf Thani) who revived Islamic Ideology and established Muslim identity in sub-continent.
Q3. The Democratization process in Pakistan is still weak and ambiguous. Do you consider dynastic politics and feudalism are the major hindrances on the way of establishing true democratic system in Pakistan? Explain.
Q4. Global warming presents an existential threat to states like Pakistan. Examine the far-reaching impacts of global warming on Pakistan and propose a model of economic development that aligns to the environmental protection.
Q5. How should Pakistan manage the equitable distribution of resources among different ethnic regions to address historical grievances and promote developments across the country?
Q6. In Modern day democracy there must be a Pragmatic Civil-Military relationship to deal all the, internal and external security threats. Analyze with reference to the role of Pakistan’s security and stability in South-Asia.
Q7. Since independence, the most critical concern for Internal security is National Integration. Discus. the role of constitutional provisions enabling provincial autonomy and devolution of Power to strengthen National integration in Pakistan?
View the Pakistan Affairs paper 2024

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