CSS Journalism and Mass Communication Paper 2023

Here you will find the CSS Journalism and Mass Communication Past Paper 2023. You can view or download this CSS Journalism and Mass Communication Paper 2023.

CSS Journalism and Mass Communication Paper 2023

The following questions are given in the Journalism and Mass Communication Paper 2023:

Q2. What is social responsibility theory? Explain its importance with logic and arguments. Also, give examples with reference to Pakistani society.

Q3. The excessive use of mobile phones affects the studies of school/college students. Give your opinion with logic and arguments.

Q4. Explain in detail the code of ethics for media professionals.

Q5. Elaborate in detail on the diffusion and innovation theory, its merits and demerits, and its applicability in Pakistani society.

Q6. What is development support communication? I low it can be helpful for national development. Support your answer wills logic & arguments.

Q7. Suppose you are a PRO of the Police department. Suggest a plan and measure to control street crime in the country.

Q8. Write notes on any TWO of the following:

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