Here you will find the CSS History of India & Pakistan Paper 2023. You can view or download this CSS History of India & Pakistan Past Paper 2023.
CSS History of India & Pakistan Paper 2023
The following questions are given in the History of India & Pakistan Paper 2023:
Q2. Write a detailed note on the public administration under Muslim rule in India.
Q3. Critically examine the origin and growth of the East India Company as an imperialist power in India.
Q4. Give a historical account of the growth of Hindu nationalism from 1858 to 1947.
Q5. Evaluate the causes and effects of the Khilafat Movement on the Muslim struggle for independence.
Q6. Discuss the outcomes of the three sessions of the Round Table Conference.
Q7. Critically evaluate the role of political parties in the separation of East Pakistan in 1971.
Q8. Write short notes on any TWO of the following:
- Kargil War
- 1984 Referendum
- Allahabad Address 1930
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