Here I have arranged the CSS Geography Past Paper 2023. You can view or download this CSS Geography Paper 2023.
CSS Geography Paper 2023
The following questions are given in the Geography Paper 2023:
Q2. Differentiate between global warming and ozone depletion. Briefly discrete the causes and effects of ozone depletion and global warming.
Q3. Discuss the processes of wind-driven and thermo-haline circulation of oceanic water. How are surface oceanic currents affected by global winds movements?
Q4. Describe the formation of a floodplain. How are alluvial terraces, natural levees, oxbow lakes, and back swamps produced?
Q5. What is a subduction zone? How does the theory of plate tectonics explain the formation of the Andes mountain range?
Q6. What is commercial farming? Discuss the importance of the steppe grassland region of Russia-Ukraine in producing commercial grain fanning and supply of wheat in the global food market.
Q7. Describe the least-cost industrial location theory of Weber. Discuss the affecting factors of industrial location, particularly concerning sugar and cement industries.
Q8. Distinguish between material and non-material elements of culture. Discuss cultural traits of nomadic culture and sedentary culture.
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