Here you will find the CSS Current Affairs Past Paper 2023. You can view or download this CSS Current Affairs Paper 2023.
CSS Current Affairs Paper 2023
The following questions are given in the Current Affairs paper of CSS 2023.
Q2. Discuss historic Pakistan and Turkey bilateral relations beyond the areas of socio-economic and strategic realms. Explain its geopolitical ripple effects in the Himalayas, the Arabian Peninsula, and the South Caucasus.
Q3. The UN climate summit (COP-27) in Sharm el Sheikh (Egypt) discussed Pakistan’s catastrophic summer floods exacerbated by climate change and the country is facing imminent threat of epidemics and other multi-dimensional dangers. Discuss the COP-27 roadmap to face the challenge of climate change and proposed measures for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of Pakistan.
Q4. Discuss the core causes of the Russian invasion of Ukraine which have considerable socio-economic, political, and strategic consequences on the world. Explain its devastating impact on Pakistan and its severe lesson for the country’s survival.
Q5. Discuss the project idea China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) which is the great leap forward of economic regionalization in the globalized world. Explain its potential advantages, challenges, and future prospects.
Q6. November 15, 2022, will be a historic date in humanity’s history because at this date the Earth’s population reached the 8 billion mark. Critically discuss that the 21st century is a century of rapid population growth which has a devastating negative impact on the world. Explain the severe consequences of rapid population growth which will affect every country on earth.
Q7. Critically discuss the conceptualized energy’s influence on world geopolitics and its distinctiveness of global energy governance.
Q8. Critically discuss why Pakistan’s economic growth continues to be a “Balance-of-Payments” constraint which is one of the core causes to keep the foreign exchange reserve under pressure. Do you think that Pakistan’s export performance remains the most relevant long-term challenge to alleviate the balance-of-payments constraint for sustained economic growth and explain radical structural reforms to improve export performance?
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