Staff Duties at Polling Stations for General Elections 2023

On January 27, 2023, the School Education Department of the Punjab Government issued a notification regarding the Election Duties of Staff at Polling Stations for the 2023 General Elections. The specifics are as follows:

Staff Duties at Polling Stations for General Elections 2023

The Department of School Education sends letters to all CEOs. No, the SED does not provide information regarding tentative polling stations. of polling stations and district-level poll workers, as well as figures. The details are as follows:

ECP’s General Elections Statement

The estimated number of polling stations, booths, and polling staff required to organize and conduct general elections in 2023 is outlined in a statement issued by the ECP. The statement suggests that tentatively no. of Polling Staff, Polling Booths, and Stations district-by-district throughout Punjab. According to ECP’s statement, these are the specifics of the letter from SED and Data.

 Tentative Number of Polling Stations,  Booths, and Staff

Here I shall present you tentative No. Of Polling Stations,  Booths, and Staff in Punjab Province,  as per ECP’s Statement.

Tentative No. of Polling Stations  in Punjab


Tentative no. of Polling Booths In Punjab


Tentative no.  of Polling Staff in Punjab

Presiding Officers53300
Polling Officers159900

The statement is included in all of the DEA instructions issued by the School Education Department SED. They are instructed by SED to examine the specifics of polling places and other locations. After coordinating with the relevant Election Commission authorities, complete lists of the required staff may be sent to the relevant division so that they can begin performing their duties prior to the 2023 general elections. The REAL-TIME SYSTEM (SIS) already provides access to teachers’ most recent data.

The DEAs can contact Rana Abdul Qayyum Khan, DPI (EE) Punjab, the focal person for SIS/HRMIS, in the event of a problem. The request comes from the School’s Education Department to prioritize the letter. The concerned authorities should also make sure that the Task is finished quickly and carefully.

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