On February 27, 2023, the Cabinet Secretariat Establishment Division of the Government of Pakistan issued a notification regarding the Amendment Recruitment Rules 2023 for LDC and UDC. The specifics are as follows:
The following modifications to the uniform Recruitment Rules for Ministerial Posts must be made in accordance with the powers granted by sub-rule (2) of rule 3 of the Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion, and Transfer) Rules, 1973, as notified by Establishment Division via SRO.
Notification Amendment Recruitment Rules 2023 LDC and UDC 139(1)/2012, dated 31st January 2012 as altered now and again, relevant to all Services / Divisions / Branches of the National Government.
New Table of BPS Wise Posts Positions LDC/UDC wef 01-03-2023
Sr. No | Name of Post | Existing BPS | Revised / Upgraded BPS |
1 | UDC | BPS-11 | BPS-13 |
2 | LDC | BPS-09 | BPS-11 |
Lower Division Clerks and Upper Division Clerks: Modifications to Recruitment and Promotion Rules
- The “Words”, “Brackets” & “Figures”, “L.D.C (BPS-09)” & “U.D.C (BPS-11)”, shall be substituted with “Words”, Brackets” & “Figures”, “L.D.C (BPS-11)” & “U.D.C (BPS-13)” wherever occurring.
- In Rule 3 (Condition for Promotion), against SI. No. 4 under column 2 the existing entry shall be deleted and substituted by “Employees holding posts in BPS-10 and below.”
- This Notification issues with the approval of the Establishment Division vide O.M. No.7/6.2002-R-VI dated 27-02-2023.
This Notification was issued by the Establishment Division following the Upgrading Federal Employees BPS-01 to BPS-16 Notification. The Establishment Division alters the rules for recruitment whenever there is a change in the number of positions. The following are the clerical staff’s Basic Pay Scales following the changes to the rules for hiring:
- Upper Division Clerk (UDC) = BPS-13
- Lower Division Clerk (LDC) = BPS-11
After the issuance of the Notification of Time scale promotion and upgradation, many offices have issued the By Name Notification of Upgradation UDC and LDC of their offices.

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