Pakistan National Security Policy 2022 Pdf (Explained)


Prime Minister Imran Khan on Friday, January 14, 2022, launched Pakistan National Policy 2022-2026. This is the first-ever national security policy that also has a public version as an all-encompassing, multidimensional document. Here we have tried to explain in simple words about Pakistan National Security Policy 2022-2026.

In December 2021, Pakistan’s National Security Committee (NSC) approved the National Security Policy (NSP) 2022-2026, which articulates a citizen-centric framework, places economic security at its core, and seeks a secure and economically resilient Pakistan.

Pakistan National Security Policy 2022 Explained

Here is a brief explanation of the Pakistan National Security Policy (NSP) 2022-2026:

People and Departments Involved in Formulation of NSP

The Pakistan National Security Policy 2022-2026 is the fruition of a devoted ambition towards servicing Pakistan with a guiding national security vision. This achievement would not have been possible without the support of multiple individuals and offices. At the outset, we are thankful to the Prime Minister for his constant leadership.

Federal Ministers, Chief Ministers, and governments of Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir for their constant support and along with Pakistan Military stakeholders.

The Departments involved are Federal Ministers, Chief Ministers, and governments of Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir for their constant support. The People of Pakistan cannot be neglected who support this setup and become able to formulate this policy.

Meaning of Important Terms in NSP 2022-2026

 National Security Policy 

Articulates Pakistan’s national security vision, interests, and priorities while providing a detailed implementation framework.

➤ Comprehensive National Security

A conception of security that recognizes that traditional and non-traditional threats and opportunities together impinge on overall national security. Comprehensive national security forms the core of Pakistan’s security vision going forward. 

National Security Framework

Outlines the conceptual elements of Pakistan’s vision for comprehensive national security.

 Vital National Security Interests

Interests that are essential for the integrity and security of Pakistan.

 Critical Enabling Factors

Factors that reinforce and support the fulfillment of vital national interests.

Principles of Policy Implementation 

Overarching principles that reflect the state’s general approach towards policy and guide the implementation of the National Security Policy

A Brief Summary of Pakistan National Security Policy 2022

The National Security Policy 2022-2026 is Pakistan’s first national security policy document. It seeks to co-locate Pakistan in emerging global trends and identifies policy objectives and priority areas where Pakistan should invest its national resources to ensure the most beneficial outcomes.

The Policy articulates a citizen-centric ‘Comprehensive National Security’ framework for Pakistan whose ultimate purpose is to ensure the safety, security, dignity, and prosperity of our people. It recognizes both traditional and non-traditional security aspects that impinge on our national security.

The Policy places economic security at the core of comprehensive national security, emphasizing a geo-economic vision to supplement the focus on geo-strategy, and recognizes that sustainable and inclusive economic growth is needed to expand our national resource pie. This will in turn allow greater availability of resources to bolster traditional and human security.

Appreciating this symbiotic relationship between economic, traditional, and human security allows the articulation of holistic policy actions that will prepare Pakistan to optimize national security outcomes in the coming decades.

The Policy captures ongoing trends in the changing world order and their implications for Pakistan. The emergence of multiple centers of economic and military power and a move towards a multipolar world are key features of the contemporary global landscape. Pakistan’s location at the crossroads of historic confluence and regional flashpoints provides unique opportunities amidst global competition for power.

The policy guidance in the document emphasizes a proactive, forward-looking approach for Pakistan’s policymakers. It recognizes that a static or reactive outlook in a fluid global environment can have negative consequences and affect not only Pakistan’s external relations but also its internal security and societal harmony. 

This public version of the National Security Policy is meant to provide an insight into the overall vision and direction of the country’s national security. Major opportunities and challenges, as well as policy objectives for each significant aspect of national security, are described briefly. Specific details and analyses of the security landscape, the country’s vital national security interests, priority actions, and implementation framework have not been included in this document.

The document contains eight sections. After explaining the policy formulation process in Section I (Policy Formulation) , conceptual elements of Pakistan’s national security framework are explained in Section II (National Security Framework). Six thematic sections follow, each of which provides an assessment of the context and Pakistan’s desired goals and objectives in the particular area of national security covered in the respective sections.

Section III (National Cohesion) examines the preservation of ideology and culture, ensuring unity and stability, and making public service responsive to the needs of citizens.

Section IV (Securing Our Economic Future), focuses on economic security, specifically discussing the economy, trade, energy, education and human resource, and emerging technologies.

Section V (Defence and Territorial Integrity), provides policy guidelines for ensuring defense, deterrence, territorial integrity, and space and cyber security.

Section VI (Internal Security and Examines Challenge of terrorism), focuses on violent sub-nationalisms, extremism and sectarianism, and organized crime.

Section VII (Foreign Policy in a Changing World), assesses global realignments, Pakistan’s key bilateral and multilateral relationships, and our overall approach towards diplomacy. Finally,

Section VIII (Human Security), examines population and migration, health security, climate, and water security, food security, and gender security.


The National Security Policy has been framed after seven years of diligent and rigorous analysis and consultations led by the National Security Division. Yet, the policy document will continue to evolve to reflect emerging challenges to Pakistan’s security while providing guidelines to mitigate threats and avail new opportunities to make our country even more secure and prosperous.

This public document will contribute to the Policy’s evolution by generating an intellectual debate on the notion of comprehensive national security, on which Pakistan’s future security vision is centered. It will complement the National Security Policy’s recommendation for a dedicated political discourse to develop a broad consensus on national security that transcends political differences and is not affected by changes in the national political space.

Download National Security Policy 2022 in Pdf.

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