On June 1, 2023, the Finance Department of the Government of the Punjab issued a notification regarding the Amended Leave Rules Pertaining to Leave Encashment Punjab 2023.
The main points are that the employees will get Leave Encashment on the initial basic pay of the concerned Basic Pay Scales. Before this, the employees were getting the Leave Encashment on the basis of the Last Pay Certificate at the time of retirement.
Revised / Amended Leave Rules Pertaining to Leave Encashment Punjab 2023
Governor of Punjab Finance Department issues notification regarding amendments in Leave Rule,1981 with immediate effect.
No.FD.SR.II/2-97/2029 in the exercise of the powers under section 23 of the Punjab Civil Servants Act,1974(V-II of 1974).

Detail of Amendments
- In Rule no.17, in the heading for the word “leave”, the word refused leave” shall be substituted.
- In Rule No. 1, for the expression “lump sum leave Pay”, the expression “Leave Pay equal to initial pay of the pay scale for the leave refused by the appointing authority shall be substituted and the words,” leave on Full Pay”, shall be omitted.
- In Rule No. 2 at the end, the words” on a monthly basis” shall be inserted.
- Sub- Rule no.3 shall be omitted.
- Sub-Rule ni.4 shall be omitted.
- In Sub-Rule no.5 the expression for “lump Sum payments” equal to the period of falling sort of three hundred and sixty-five- days. The expression ‘?” enhancement of the leave for the remaining period “shall be substituted.
- At the end, the following shall Be inserted
The term “Family” shall be as defined for the purpose
Of family pensions”.
- In Sub-Rule 6
- For the word “leave” occurring for the first time the words “refused leave” shall be submitted.
- The expression” shall be effective from the first day of September 2013” shall be omitted.
- The words “or opted” shall be omitted.
- The expression “or, as the cases may be retiring on or after the first day of September,2013.shall.be omitted.
- In Sub-Rule 6-A or the words “LPR” the words “refused LPR” shall be substituted.
- In Sub-Rule 6-B for the words “leave is granted on account of ill-health supported by Medical Certificate for the performance of “Hajj” the words “any kind of leave is granted” shall be substituted.
- Sub-Rule 6-C
- for the words” LPR” the words “refused LPR” shall be substituted.
- For the words “on the basis of pay and allowances reckonable towards pensions as shown in the last pay certificates of a civil servant” ۔the words “equal to respective initial scale shall be substituted .,”.
- After Sub Rule 6-C the following sub-Rules (7) shall be inserted. “(7) A civil Servant who desires to get the benefits of encashment of LPR for a maximum period of three hundred and Sixty-Sixty-give days , shall be submit his written applications to the appointing authority for grants of LPR, at least three months before the date of the commencement of his Leave preparatory to retirement (LPR), and if the appointing Authority so refused his request he shall be entailed to encasements of reused LPR, for three hundred and sixty five days equal to initial pay of basis for the basic pay Scale.
Provided that the civil servants compulsory retired shall not be entitled for encashment of LPR and Rule -19 shall be omitted.
Provision and Applications of Leave Rules
- All rules are applicable on all government servants who are going to retire on .1st June,203 or after that.
- Encashment of leave will be implemented as “Refused Leave”.
- There will be no encashment of leave for All government Servants died during service .
- Encashment will be provided on the initial stage of the Pay Scale instead of the Last Pay Drawn.
- There will be no encashment on compulsory retirements.
I am also sharing below the details of the previous letters and previous rules. You can combine all the previous Notifications with the new one to get the final results of the new amendments in Leave Encashment Rules.
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