Essay on “Social Justice” for CSS, PMS and Judiciary Examination

This is an essay on “Social Justice” for CSS, PMS, and Judiciary examination. Social Justice is the prime focus of the government among its citizens. We all know that when injustice happens, crime raises, unemployment occurs and people have to suffer. So, to understand Social Justice here is an essay on the topic of “Social Justice”.

Essay on “Social Justice”

Social justice is defined as:

The principle that all persons are entitled to basic human needs, regardless of superficial differences such as economic disparity, class, gender, race, ethnicity, citizenship, religion, age, sexual orientation, disability, or health. This includes “the eradication of poverty and illiteracy, the establishment of sound environmental policy, and equality of opportunity for healthy personal and social development.

The term “social justice” was coined by the Jesuit Luigi Taparelli in the 1840s, based on the teachings of Thomas Aquinas. He wrote extensively in his journal Civilta Catholic, engaging both capitalist and socialist theories from a natural law viewpoint.

Social Justice (“Social and Global Equality and Economic Justice”) reflects the general rejection of discrimination based on distinctions between class, gender, ethnicity, or culture.

The distribution of the benefits and the hardships in society, together with the way they are allocated. Geographers are particularly concerned with the spatial expression of social justice; where do the advantaged and disadvantaged groups live, why do they live there, and what is the connection between their place of residence and their future advantage or disadvantage

The requirements of justice applied to the framework of social existence. But the particular emphasis on ‘social justice is on the foundational character of justice in social life: we are invited to move from a conception of justice to the design of constitutions to critical perspectives on. economic organization, to theories of civil disobedience. In this way, social justice defines the framework within which particular applications of distributive justice arise.

Social justice· is also a concept that some use to describe the movement towards a socially just world. In this context, social justice is based on the concepts of human rights, and equality.

For political activism, Global justice is an issue in political philosophy arising from the concern that “we do not live in a just world.” Many people are extremely poor, while others are extremely rich. Many live under tyrannical regimes. Many are vulnerable to violence, disease, and starvation. Many die prematurely. How should we understand and respond to these facts? What do the inhabitants of the world owe one another?

What institutions and what ethical standards should we recognize and apply throughout the world? There are a number of movements based on a “social justice that reflects the way in which human rights are manifested in the everyday lives of people at every level of society”.

These movements are working towards the realization of a world where all members of society, regardless of background, have basic human rights and an equal opportunity to access t_he benefits of their society.

Social justice is not merely a secular or humanitarian matter. Social justice is a reflection of God’s essential respect and concern for each person and an effort to protect the essential human freedom necessary for each person to achieve his or her destiny.

There are three dimensions of basic justice: commutative justice, distributive justice, and social justice Commutative justice calls for fundamental fairness in all agreements and exchanges between individuals or private social groups Distributive justice require that the allocation of income, wealth, and power in society be evaluated in light of its effects on persons whose basic material needs are unmet. Social justice implies that persons have an obligation to be active and productive participants in the life of society and that society has a duty to enable them to participate in this way.

Any human society, if it is to be well ordered and productive, must lay down as a foundation this principle: that every human being is a person; his nature is endowed with intelligence and free will. By virtue of this, he has rights and duties of his own, flowing directly and simultaneously from his very nature, which is therefore universal, inviolable, and inalienable. If we look upon the dignity of the human person in the light of divinely revealed truth, we cannot help but esteem it far more highly.

The common welfare of society consists in the entirety of those conditions of social life under which men enjoy the possibility of achieving their own perfection in a certain fullness of measure and also with some relative ease. Hence this welfare consists chiefly in the protection of the rights, and in the performance of the duties, of the human person.

Some of the most important social rights that are universally recognized are:

  • The right to life
  • Liberty and security of person
  • The right to food, clothing, housing, sufficient health care, rest, and leisure
  • The right to freedom of expression, education, and culture
  • The right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion
  • The right to manifest one’s religion either individually or in community, in public or in private;
  • The right to choose a state of life, to found a family and to enjoy all conditions necessary for family life
  • The right to property and work, to adequate working conditions, and a just wage
  • The right of assembly and association
  • The right to freedom of movement, to internal and external migration
  • The right to nationality and residence
  • The right to political participation and the· right to participate in the free choice of the political system of the people to which one belongs
  • Justice demands that social institutions be ordered in a way that guarantees all persons the ability to participate actively in the economic, political, and cultural life of society

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