Essay on the “Role of Social Media in the Modern World” for CSS and PMS

Social media plays a significant role in the modern world, impacting the way individuals interact, connect, and share information. From networking platforms to news sources, social media platforms have become essential in shaping the online experience of millions of people globally. Its impact on politics, business, and everyday life cannot be understated. With a rise in popularity and use, understanding the role of social media in society is crucial. So here is the complete essay on the “Role of Social Media in the Modern World” for the CSS, PMS, and Judiciary examination.



  • Social media has an important role in the modem world. It has some merits and demerits as well

Merits of Social Media

  • Social media is a source of knowledge and information
  • It spreads political awareness among the masses
  • It gives rise to global culture
  • Social media reduces distances between people
  • Social media entertains people to get rid of the boredom of daily life
  • It is a platform where one can promote one’s ideology

Demerits or Social Media

  • Excessive use of social websites results in the wastage of precious time
  • Social media has widened the gap between parents and children
  • Some evil-minded ones spread rumors and propaganda on social media
  • People lose their privacy when their accounts are hacked
  • Social media has taken man away from nature
  • It has rooted our love for reading


  • One can avoid getting addicted to social websites as an excess of anything is bad
  • One may switch to social websites to derive maximum benefits from entertainment
  • Some steps to curb cyber crimes are inevitable
  • Social websites should not be used at the cost of leisure making
  • The owners of certain social websites need to adopt stringent measures to stop
  • spread of rumors on social media


Essay on the “Role of Social Media in the Modern World” for CSS and PMS

This era is the era of technology. Modern inventions have revolutionized the world. Nowadays, people are living a facilitated life. Social media is playing an important role in the modem world. Social media has made the world a global village.

Social media websites like Facebook and Whatsapp have become part and parcel of people’s life. These websites keep people updated about day-to-day happenings in the world. There is no denying the fact that social media has brought people closer.

In past, people used to send letters to their near and dear ones. Those letters took months to reach the desired donation. People had no idea about the condition of their loved ones living abroad. Life was slow, dull, and boring. But presently, people can even make video calls to interact with their relatives and friends with the blinking of an eye. It is a great blessing that people can communicate with others in no time. It is a reality that social media has a few advantages and a few disadvantages. It solely depends upon people and how they use it.

Positive-minded people use social websites for constructive purposes. While evil-minded ones may use it for their nefarious designs. Shakespeare rightly said, “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” In the end, it can be said that social media has an instrumental role to play in connecting the world. Social media has a lot of merits. The first and foremost one is that it is a source of knowledge and information.

Different people share their knowledge about different aspects of the world on social websites. This knowledge is valuable for those who do not have a habit of reading. Similarly, social websites offer information about current issues in the world. Important news spreads like wildfire and every person comes to know about it. Many writers and great scholars share their views on Facebook. These views enhance people’s knowledge and make them rational.

Moreover, social media brings political awareness among people throughout the
world. People are free to share their views about political issues confronting the world. Through social media, people in different countries launch political campaigns against dictatorial forces. They unite on the platform of social media to get rid of aristocratic forces. It is social media through which people come to know about atrocities committed in Syria, Palestine, and Iraq. Social media also had a significant role in Arab Spring. It created political awareness among Arabs to fight for their rights.

Similarly, social media gives rise to global culture. People from various countries
come to know about one another’s cultural and traditional norms. It is due to social media that a person sitting in Africa comes into contact with American culture. People of Asia also observe the western culture. People of different continents adopt positive aspects of different cultures prevalent in the world. As a result, global culture is evolved.

Furthermore, social media reduces distances between people. Presently, a person
sitting in one comer of the world can contact a person living in another comer of the
world. Previously, it was difficult for a French to contact a Chinese within a few minutes. It was only possible in dreams. But social media has materialized man s dream to contact any person at any time in the world into reality. Social media has rooted out societal barriers in the world. Girls and boys get married on social websites which were not possible earlier. Hence, it can be said that social media has overcome distances among people.

Besides it, social media is a wonderful source of entertainment. People have
different tastes in this ever-changing world. Some people like to watch movies and others listen to songs on social websites like YouTube and learn rhymes. Science has proved the fact that entertainment is necessary for the busy life of the modern era. This century is the age of materialism. People have to do a lot of work to fill their bellies. Daily routine work creates monotony in their lives. As a result, people want change and social media offers them a variety of entertainment. Someone rightly said, “Variety is the spice of life.”

Last but not least, one can easily propagate one’s ideology on social media. Presently, hundreds of thousands of people are using social websites like Facebook.
People share their ideologies and views on Facebook. When their fellow beings read these views, they critically analyze them. They point out positive and negative points in one’s ideology. Some people also become their followers. Thus, social media helps one spread one’s ideology.

It is a fact that there are two sides to a coin. Similarly, social media has a few
demerits besides its merits. One of the demerits of social media is that its excessive usage results in a waste of time. Some people develop an addiction to social media. They do not pay heed to the people in their surroundings and always remain busy on social websites. This excessive use of social media may become alarming for them. People leave them alone because of their attitude of indifference. So, excessive use of social media may create frustration in them. Someone said, “Excess of everything is bad.”

In addition to this, social media widens the gap between parents and their children.
Some parents use social media unnecessarily. They do not give proper time to their
children. Consequently, children start going away from their parents which is a bad omen for a family. Such children may develop feelings of inferiority. They search for love outside of their home when their parents prefer social media websites and gadgetry over them.

In the same way, certain people spread rumors and propaganda on social media to
get their vested interests. Such people disseminate particular information for their loaves and fishes. Unfortunately, there is no mechanism to stop such people from spreading hate speech on social media. This demerit may turn social media from a boon into a bane.

Apart from it, people using social media may lose their privacy. There are hackers
who hack certain profiles to blackmail people. Sometimes, they get access to people’s private data. This gives rise to cyber crimes which is a burning question of the day. Even some countries steal data and information related to people from other countries. So, such acts affect people’s privacy badly.

To add to it, social media keeps people away from nature. In past, people used to
love recreational activities. They were closer to nature. People visited parks and beaches to entertain themselves. Nowadays, people hardly find time to admire the beauty of nature. William H Davies in his poem ‘Leisure’ has described modem man’s indifference to natural beauty in these words, “What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. No time to turn at Beauty’s glance, and watch her feet, how they can dance. No time to wait till her mouth can Enrich the smile her eyes began. The poor life this if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. So, social media has deprived man of his love for natural beauty.

Lastly, social media has rooted in our love for reading. Before the emergence of social websites, people used to read books in their free time. Books added to their knowledge and skill. Book reading made people critical. Reading refined their ideas and improved their vocabulary. At present time, most people prefer Facebook, Twitter, and Whatsapp to reading. The use of social media benefits people but not more than reading. The use of mobile phones and social media has eroded the thirst for reading among people.

However, there are some suggestions through which one can derive maximum
benefits from social media. Firstly, one should avoid getting addicted to social websites. It does not mean that a person should do away with social media. But, there is a need to maintain a balance in life. One can switch to social media for a particular time period. One may also spend time with one’s members of the family. It is one’s moral duty to make the best use of social websites. One can avoid negative attitudes towards social media to remain happy in life.

Secondly, one is expected to consider social media a source of entertainment. One
can interact with one’s loved ones on social media. It is not desirable to always sit on
social websites without interacting with one’s fellow beings around one. Parents and teachers can play their part in making youngsters aware of the pros and cons of social media. In this way, negative usage of Facebook, Youtube, WhatsApp, etc. can be avoided.

Thirdly, governments of different countries can take steps to curb cybercrime. The owners of social media houses should come ahead with pragmatic policies to save people from hackers. Strict security checks can be introduced to ensure safety. People should also act like responsible citizens. They can apply difficult passwords to get rid of hackers. It is also preferable for people to change passwords frequently. Such steps can help curtail cybercrime.

Fourth, man is a social animal and he cannot live away from society and nature.
Some people spend too much time on Facebook. They do not go for leisure making. As a result, they fall prey to depression, frustration, and isolation. Such people can have a close relationship with nature to enjoy their lives. They can use social media but not at the cost of interaction with the people around them.

Lastly, a mechanism can be introduced to stop people from spreading rumors and
propaganda. Some people promote hate speech on social media which has deadly results, They try to brainwash youth to use it for their ill interests. There is a dire need to limit the propagation of hate speech in order to favor peace and harmony in the world. No doubt, peace is the most desired commodity in the world.

To cut the long story short, social media has brought many positive changes in the world. It has made people-to-people contact easier. It is a source of pleasure and amusement for people. People make friends with others on social media. They share their point of view with others. They come to know about current events happening in the world through social media.

In this way, social media has connected people from different regions of the world. Contrary to this, social media has some demerits which need to be addressed. So that people may not face any hazards while interacting with their peers on social media.

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