Here, you will find the CSS Political Science Paper-II 2024. You can view or download this CSS Political Science Paper-II 2024. The Political Science paper-II of CSS was held on 03-03-2024.
Political Science Paper-II for CSS 2024
Q2. What are the main characteristics of the United Kingdom’s current political system? Has this system been successful in creating efficient mechanisms to ensure adequate public participation in the affairs of state?
Q3. Have Pakistan’s economic ties with other regional countries improved due to the infrastructure development projects undertaken under the China-Pakistan Economic corridor component of the BRI?
Q4. Bilateral relations with China are a pivotal component of Pakistan’s Foreign policy. What are the primary driving factors in this relationship?
Q5. Provide an outline of Pakistan’s federal system of government. Why has such an approach been chosen? How successful has it been in ensuring administrative efficiency?
Q6. Has the World Trade Organization (WTO) been successful in ensuring that global trade remains beneficial to most states/units in the international system?
Q7. Provide an assessment of how Quaid-e-Azam (Mohammad Ali Jinnah) employed political legalism to strengthen and legitimate the drive towards the creation of Pakistan.
Q8. What role have ideological factors played in the conceptualization of Pakistan’s foreign policy?
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