Gender Studies is an important subject in CSS examination. In here, you will find the CSS Gender Studies Paper 2024. You can view or download this CSS Gender Studies Paper 2024. The Gender Studies paper of CSS was held on 04-03-2024.
Gender Studies Paper for CSS 2024
Q2. An Egyptian doctor Mahmoud Fathallah uses the term ‘maternity death road while discussing issues of women’s maternal health. Discuss women health issues in context with Pakistan’s social, cultural and demographic situation.
Q3. Write a note on the colonial and capitalistic perspectives of gender. Throw light on the thesis that development is the new name of coloniality to context with the emerging perspectives of gender.
Q4. Write in detail the impact of Western Feminist Movements on the feminist movement in Pakistan. Compare the Pakistani feminist movements from past with the emerging trends of feminist activism and their effects.
Q5. Give a critical gender analysis of development theories.
Q6. What is gender-based violence? What forms of gender-based violence are given in the -Punjab protection of women against gender-based violence act 2016″? What are the consequences of gender-based violence on women?
Q7. Is political participation a human right? If so, what are the obstacles faced by women politicians of Pakistan to pursue a career in politics? What is the impact of political quota system on this?
Q8. Write short notes on the following:
- Is ‘Sex’ also a social construct?
- Radical Feminism
View the CSS Gender Studies past paper 2024

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