CSS International Relations (IR) Paper-I 2023

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CSS International Relations (IR) Paper-I 2023

The following questions are given in the IR Paper-I for CSS 2023:

Q2. Discuss the main principles of Constructivism in International Relations. Give a comparative analysis of constructivism and realism with examples.

Q3. What are the best policy options to deal with asymmetrical warfare?

Q4. The role of the IMF in developing countries is a contested issue in academic research. What are some positive and negative implications for low-income countries?

Q5. Discuss the significance of the IAEA. Critically evaluate its role in nuclear non-proliferation.

Q6. Do you think the global power structure is passing through a transition? What are the contours of big powers’ strategic realignment?

Q7. Discuss the concept of state sovereignty. What are the major arguments about non-interference in International Law?

Q8. Does China’s rise challenge the global political system? What are the implications of the Balance of Power Politics?

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