Pakistan Armed Forces – Symbol of National Unity

These days there is a storm of rumors in the country. He is speaking whatever comes into his mouth and those who are writers are writing according to their wishes without any authentic information. Here I am going to share with you how Pakistan’s armed forces are a symbol of national unity.

Ever since the social media platform was introduced, certain groups and political parties have unleashed a storm of propaganda and lied on social media through their prolific YouTubers and other social media activists. We Pakistanis still try to live in a world of dreams and ideas and we like the things that fill our ears. Conversations contrary to dreams and moods are considered very undesirable conversations among us.

The storm of rumors mentions that these days the process of appointing the new army chief is going through the final stages and the process will be completed in a few days, so what is the need to stir up a political fuss over it?

The situation is such that the young foreign minister of Pakistan had to make a statement in this regard, why he needed this statement, he knows better about it.

The Pakistani people’s love and attachment to Pakistan reach extreme limits, they are not happy with the campaign to make the state institutions and its essential figures controversial.

The glory of our military power has been unparalleled, our forces have performed such feats of warfare that history books bear witness to, and the bravery and professionalism of our troops are exemplary.

Martyrdom while protecting the motherland is the greatest reward for our soldiers. The general of the Muslim army, Khalid bin Waleed, whose name was a symbol of victory, is said to have died on his deathbed and used to say to the Muslims.

There is no part of my body that is not scarred, but I was not destined to be martyred on the battlefield and I am dying on the bed. He would have been martyred while doing Jihad in the path of Our soldiers don’t just do a job, they are always ready to sacrifice their lives for a cause.

In the history of Muslims, the mention of brave generals and commanders like Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed and Salahuddin Ayyubi has been a bright period in the history of our military.

Today, in the modern era of warfare, all the dangerous weapons of war are available in abundance and we have the atomic bomb which is the mother of all these dangerous weapons.

The training environment is also excellent and our soldiers today are imbued with the same faith that has distinguished us in the past. No one can compete with those who fight in the name of Allah, success is written in the fate of a Muslim soldier who lives for Allah and dies for his cause.

I am writing today’s articles to welcome the new army chief. My late father used to say that he went on a visit to India with one of our rulers, and there a Hindu leader spoke to our ruler about war, and he was told that you should not talk about war, it is better for you to remain silent.

Yes, if there is a war, both the nuclear powers will destroy each other, but one thing should be remembered that Muslims are spread all over the world, not only in Pakistan, it is not possible to destroy them, but Hindus have only one country and If India ends, Hinduism will end.

Indira Gandhi had said in a rally on the independence of Pakistan that we have avenged the thousand years of rule of India by the Muslims, but today’s modern Hindu knows very well that Pakistan’s army is its army chief. Knows how to protect itself and respond to any aggression under the leadership of

So the free advice to the leadership of India is that they should not be under any misunderstanding, peace is the best way for both countries which is the way of survival and security and this is the best way of life for both countries and Common sense also recognizes this. The devotion of the Pakistani nation to its armed forces, we Pakistanis also express openly.

Whatever our political leaders may say, the nation always looks up to Pakistan’s forces for its security and knows how to draw the eyes of those who look at them with a lecherous eye.

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