Here you will find LL.B Part-5 Labour and Taxation Laws Past Paper Annual 2021. This Labour and Taxation Laws Paper is the seventh paper in the LL.B (5 years program) Part-5 examination. Find below the past paper on Labour and Taxation Laws 2021.
LLB Part-5 Labour and Taxation Laws Past Paper Annual 2021
Find below the past paper on Labour and Taxation Laws Annual 2021 for LLB Part-5 annual 2021.
Q1. Discuss the legal provisions pertaining to the scope and applicability of the Punjab Industrial Relations Act, 2010.
Q2. Discuss the procedure and extent of observing strike or lockout as a mode of exerting pressure on the employer on the Collective Bargaining Agent for the conclusion of a settlement.
Q3. Discuss in detail the composition, powers, and functions of the Labour Appellate Tribunal. Also, throw light on various jurisdictions vested in the Tribunal.
Q4. Discuss the composition, powers, and functions of the Workers Management Council. To what extent it has been successful in ensuring the workers’ participation in the management of the establishment?
Q5. Explain the procedure for the termination of employment of a worker. Also, state the detail of payments to be made by the employer in case of termination of the relationship between worker and employer.
Q6. Analyze the legal provisions relating to the medical examination of an injured worker. Also, highlight the consequences if the worker refuses to submit himself for such an examination.
Q7. Define the term income and discuss the principles of taxation in the case of income from the property.
Q8. Analyze the law relating to the collection of advance tax on imports.
Q9. Under the law, taxpayers are entitled to certain exemptions and tax concessions. Explain the proposition with reference to the income tax ordinance 2001.
Q10. Discuss the legal provisions which relate to the appointment of the Appellate Tribunal and the procedure to be observed for filing an appeal before the appellate Tribuna.
Q11. Discuss the circumstances and the procedure for filing a reference to the High Court under the provisions of the Sales Tax Act. 1990.
Q12. Explain in detail the powers of an officer of Inland Revenue to arrest a person. Also, explain the procedure to be observed after arresting a such person under the Sales Tax act, of 1990.
See the LL.B Part-5: Labour and Taxation Laws Past Paper Annual 2021

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