Here you will find LL.B Part-4 Special and Local Laws Past Paper Annual 2021. This Special and Local Laws paper is the seventh paper in the LL.B (5 years program) Part-4 examination. Find below the past paper on Special and Local Laws 2021.
LLB Part-4 Special and Local Laws paper of 2021
Find below the past paper on the Special and Local Laws for LLB Part-4 annual 2021.
Q1. Define and distinguish between record-of-rights and periodical record-of-rights. Discuss the documents included ln the periodical record of rights.
Q2. Discuss the procedure of making a sale of the immovable property of the defaulter for
the recovery of arrears of the Land Revenue.
Q3. Explain the procedure of fixation of the boundary line between the riverain estates.
Q4. Who can apply for the partition of land? Whether any restrictions have been imposed on the partition of any land? If so, please explain.
Q5. Olticalty examine the procedure to be adopted by the Revenue Officer of the question as to
title arlses durlnt the coume of partitlon of land.
Q6. Explain exhaustively the legal arrangements pertaining to ‘review’ under the land Revenue Act, 1967.
Q7. Discuss the grounds prescribed for the ejectment of the occupancy tenant, the tenant for a fixed term, and the tenant from year to year. Also throw light on the restrictions, if any, on such elements.
Q8. Explain fully the law relating to the limit of holding for personal cultivation.
Q9. Define the term “Talib” and discuss the law relating to the utterance of Talabs (demands) for exercising the right of pre-emption.
Q10. Explain the law relating to the persons who are entitled to exercise the right of pre-emption.

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