Here you will find LL.B Part-1 Islamic Studies, Ethics and Pakistan Studies Annual Exam 2023. This Islamic Studies / Ethics and Pakistan Studies Paper is the fifth paper in the LL.B (5 years program) Part-1 examination. Find below the past paper of Islamic Studies / Ethics and Pakistan Studies Exam 2023.
LLB Part-1 Islamic Studies, Ethics and Pakistan Studies Annual Exam 2023
Find below the past paper of Islamic Studies / Ethics and Pakistan Studies for LLB Part-1 annual 2023.

Part-II Pakistan Studies
Q1. Write a note on Shah Wali Ullah and his movement.
Q2. Write a detailed note on the ideology of Pakistan.
Q3. Discuss Congress Ministries (1937-1939) Policies against the Muslims of India.
Q4. Write a note on the Islamic Provisions of the 1973 Constitution.
Q5. Highlight the steps taken for the Islamization in Pakistan.
Q6. Write a comprehensive note on the importance of Pakistan for the Muslim Countries.
View the LLB Part-1 Islamic Studies, Ethics and Pakistan Studies Annual Exam 2023 Part-II paper:

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