Here you will find LL.B Part-5 Civil Procedure Code Past Paper Annual 2021. This Law of Civil Procedure Code paper is the first paper in the LL.B (5 years program) Part-5 examination. Find below the past paper on Civil Procedure Code 2021.
LLB Part-5 Civil Procedure Code Past Paper 2021
Find below the past paper on the Civil Procedure Code for LLB Part-5 annual 2021.
Q1. Write notes on any THREE of the following:
- Decree
- Judgment
- Mense profits
- Cause of Action
- Foreign judgment
Q2. “The Courts shall have jurisdiction to try all suits of civil nature”. Describe the limitations of the statement in detail.
Q3. In the light of S. 60 C.P.C enumerate and explain the powers of the Court regarding attachment of property in execution of the decree.
Q4. What are the powers of the Courts to Review their own orders and judgment? How does the remedy of “Review” differ from that of “Revision”?
Q5. Where and in what circumstances the inherent powers of the Courts are invoked?
Q6. What are the principles of adding or striking out the names of parties to a suit? Also, discuss the terms “necessary party” and “proper party”?
Q7. Describe the powers of the court when the plaintiff alone appears on the date of bearing and the defendant does not, even after the proper service of summons.
Q8. Elaborate on the provision related to attachment before judgment under CPC.
Q9. When a court can appoint a “commission”? Discuss the law relating to the appointment of the local commission under the CPC.
Q10. Discuss a situation where a court can issue an interim junction. Also, discuss the principles governing the same.
Q11. What is meant by “sufficient cause” in Section 5 of the Limitation Act?
Q12. How does “fraud” affect the period of limitation?
View the LL.B Part-5: Civil Procedure Code Past Paper 2021.

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