Library Science: LIS MCQ Test 08

Here, you will find Library Science MCQ test 8.

1. LYCOS is a?


2. Another term of PERT is?


3. Principle of maximum aggregate benefit is concerned with?


4. When was MARC project completed?


5. All part and pages of a volume are correctly sequenced in the first stage of binding process known as?


6. In which edition “Auxiliary table for area” was first introduced?


7. Physical condition of the books should be property maintaine(D) This is known as?


8. How many digits have in the ISSN?


9. Outdated and seldom used books are withdrawn from the library is known as?


10. The first edition of DDC published in?


11. …….takes items of expenditure for libraries as the working data for allocation of funds?


12. MySQL is written in _________ language?


13. Which one is Library and Information Science Journal name?


14. Who introduced Three card system?


15. On which of the following technologies semantic web is not based?


16. What are three types of basic languages used in computer programming?


17. What are the standard size of the Accession Register is?


18. Herzberg’s theory deals with?


19. Pi is the e-book reading device by?


20. Following is not a network protocol?


21. Books misplaced on the shelves by readers are restored. This work is referred to as?


22. Which is not a programming language?


23. Phoenix schedules are part of which classification?


24. CPM (Critical Path Method) is developed by?


25. Virtua accomadates Different version of the MARC Standard?


26. Identify the association that has changed its original name?


27. Payments for the books purchased can be made only after?


28. What is the another name of Added entries?


29. In which of the following the term “Truncation” is used?


30. Following is an example of microblogging?


31. Calculating machine is developed by?


32. ISBN stands for?


33. Sheets before and after the text of a book are called?


34. PDA stands for?


35. “POSDCORB” coined by?


36. Financial support given to libraries are of two types – Recurring and?


37. Following is not a Web 2.0 tool?


38. KOHA is written in __________ language?


39. ______ is an important record of books, which shows the position of any book on the shelves?


40. _______ are the storage areas for the various types of documents kept in a library?


41. Nowadays how many types of Protocol are used?


42. While entering the library, the personal belongings of a reader is kept in?


43. How many columns are there in the accession register?


44. Who defined notation as shorthand sign?


45. The objective of library binding is ________of the library materials?


46. ISO-9960 is related with?


47. The Electronic Library is?


48. The first edition of UDC published in?


49. When was PERT developed?


50. Study carrels are exclusive areas meant for?



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