How Dangerous are Social and Political Trends?

In this article, we will analyze different social and political trends which are becoming dangerous. So let’s have a look at how dangerous social and political trends are.

Dangerous Social and Political Trends

Pakistani society is becoming a divided society. This division exists on political, regional, linguistic, sectarian, and religious grounds and is constantly witnessing tendencies of intensity and extremism.

These trends are both dangerous and a wake-up call in the context of future politics and sociology as a society divided on a variety of issues highlights a culture of chaos and intolerance. This process, instead of uniting the people in the society, divides them, which in turn weakens the state process at the internal level.

The basic tenet of our religious education, including politics, democracy, and moral education system, is to respect each other’s thoughts and ideas, and to respect each other’s opinions by strengthening the culture of tolerance. Thoughts and thoughts are different from each other. But in spite of differences in these different thoughts and thoughts, people living together and giving mutual respect to each other’s thoughts is the real beauty of society.

But the culture of intolerance has taken our collective national thinking hostage and we all either consider ourselves rational or consider our own truth to be the absolute truth. We think that the thoughts or thoughts of others are lies and we create negative thoughts against them. Weaknesses should be weakened or eliminated. Extremist tendencies based on this thinking create violent politics in society.

At present, there is a growing division in Pakistani society about different views and it seems that we are playing a lesser role in eliminating the differences and more in intensifying them. Be it our intellectual and intellectual gatherings or political and religious ceremonies or activities at the social level, this division is deep at every level and we are seeing clear indications of this on the basis of the politics of confrontation.

We have become part of the game of dividing society further by playing religious cards for or against someone. Religious cards are a dangerous game but the boldness with which this game is being played is less to be condemned And the silence of state institutions on these issues is beyond comprehension.

The divisions that are taking place in the society are not limited to individuals or parties but now our state institutions are also directly targeted. Criticism of any individual or institution in society is a fundamental right of all and this right is also given to it by the constitution and it is also its democratic and political right. But it seems that the distinction between criticism and ridicule is lost in society as a whole. People are less prone to criticism and more prone to ridicule.

It is also important to analyze why these tendencies toward extremism or extremism have become strong in society, especially among the youth. In response to the youth, we see problems of anger, hatred, prejudice, rebellion, violence, and lawlessness.

One of the main reasons is our political, social, societal, legal, and economic system. This system is putting the youth against the wall and they feel that they are surrounded on all sides. The system of injustice, including economic stagnation and unemployment, has undermined confidence in their government and institutions. They feel that what is happening in the name of politics, justice, democracy and the people as a whole is giving them nothing but exploitation.

While there is considerable concern about criticism of state institutions or statements based on lies, it must be understood that the cure for this disease cannot be merely legislative or administrative in nature. We will not be able to eradicate extremism or extremism in the society by ignoring or neglecting the war of rhetoric which is to be fought on a scientific and intellectual basis by empowering the youth, especially in the society.

This will be possible only when the system of state and governance as a whole is fair and this system meets the expectations of the people, otherwise, the politics of reaction or anger among the youth cannot be eradicated. Formal and non-formal education and media must be linked to the curriculum. A curriculum that inculcates a culture of tolerance in young people and builds a relationship of mutual respect in practice.

But it requires that this task be made possible not only by the political and religious sermons of the youth but also by the first condition for which the upper classes or the powerful or decision-making classes themselves must be held accountable at all levels. To create an atmosphere of trust between the common man and the powerful class.

The division that is taking place in the society and the factors behind it, both internal and external, will not be cured by mere formal or outdated, or old thinking and thinking. We should not treat a disease like cancer with a disperine pill and the unusual conditions can be treated with extraordinary measures. The powerful class of this country should have mercy on the society as a whole and in the presence of the behavior they have or have adopted at present, it will not be possible to cure the growing division in the society which is definitely against the state interest.

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