Social Work is an optional paper for the PMS examination. Here is the PMS Social Work Paper-II for 2024. PPSC conducts this Provincial Management Services (PMS) examination frequently. The paper II on Social Work was held on January 27, 2025. Find its past paper below to understand what topics were given. If you are an aspirant preparing for the PMS, this Social Work paper will help you better prepare. This way you can better understand the paper and the questions.
PMS Social Work Paper-II 2024
Q1. Define the nature and philosophy of social work. Explain in detail the basic principle of social work.
Q2. The rights and responsibilities of an individual in Islamic society are highly recognized. Critically evaluate this concept in the context of contemporary Pakistani society.
Q3. What do you mean by primary and secondary groups? Explain in stages of Group Development in detail.
Q4. What are the characteristics of a good sample? Explain the Probability and Non-Probability Sampling Techniques.
Q5. What is community development? Discuss the various approaches to community development in detail.
Q6. Explain the role of NGOs in socio-economic development in Pakistan.
Q7. Define social research and explain its various phases/steps.
Q8. Define medical social work. Explain the role of social order in a medical setting.
Critical Analysis of the Paper
This paper explores essential topics in social work, making a focus on its philosophy, principles, and applications in modern society. Social work is defined to be a profession that functions with the role of enhancing social functioning, guided by principles like empathy, confidentiality, and social justice.
This analyzes the rights and responsibilities in the context of Islamic society within Pakistani culture, bringing out the differences between ideals and practices in society. Primary and secondary groups are defined with stages of group development such as forming, storming, and norming.
The sampling technique discusses the characteristics of a good sample, along with distinguishing between probability (random) and non-probability (quota) sampling techniques. Approaches to community development include participatory and needs-based development.
NGOs are examined for their role in Pakistan’s socio-economic progress, addressing areas like education and poverty alleviation. Social research is detailed, outlining its systematic steps, including hypothesis formation and data analysis.
Lastly, medical social work is discussed, focusing on its role in patient care and maintaining social order within medical settings.

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