Find here the PMS Political Science Paper-I 2022. PMS Political Science past Paper-I. Provincial Management Services (PMS) is a competitive examination conducted by PPSC.
PMS Political Science Paper-I of 2022
The following questions were given in the paper:
Q1. Critically examine the arguments of Hobbes and Locke regarding the creation of Civil society.
Q2. Examine the contributions of Lenin and Mao Ze Tung in the development of Marxism.
Q3. Critically evaluate Al-Farabi’s concept of the ideal state. How it is different from Plato’s ideal state?
Q4. Make a comprehensive comparative analysis between the Islamic and Western concepts of the welfare state.
Q5. Critically analyze the different methods of representation which are practiced at present.
Q6. Critically evaluates the concept of demands and decisions according to the “system analysis model” presented by David Easton.
Q7. Define Ijtehad and describe its importance in a modern Islamic State.
Q8. Describe the problems of the Federation in light of the present situation in Pakistan.
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